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CrossFit Suomen jälkimodernissa liikuntakulttuurissa : CrossFitin rantautuminen, organisoituminen ja laji liikuntamuotona
Published 2016“…The study indicates that CrossFit came ashore Finland from the United States firstly informal as a spontaneous activity in which the CrossFit webpages were used as an information source. …”
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Biokaasu liikennepolttoaineena
Published 2013“…In Middle Finland there are approximately 55 farms with over 50 livestock units according to granted environmental permits. …”
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"Liikunnanopettajan tärkein tehtävä on sytyttää oppilaissa liikunnan riemu" : näkemyksiä koulun mahdollisuuksista ja esteistä edistää oppilaiden fyysistä aktiivisuutta
Published 2016“…We used an adapted version of the theory based content analysis, which is based on Comprehensive School Activity Program framework from United States. We used a hermeneutic-phenomenological method. …”
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Personal trainer -koulutus ja ammatti Suomessa
Published 2019“…As many other phenomena in sport and physical exercise business, also the concept of personal training and using personal trainers as help and motivators when practicing origins from the United States where professional personal trainers have worked since the early 20th century. …”
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JZP-AoF-compounds against mycobacterium biofilms : efficacy and safety
Published 2024“…In addition, M. tuberculosis is naturally tolerant to many antibiotics because the bacteria can, for instance, enter a state of dormancy or hide in self-produced biofilm matrixes. …”
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Keskittyvä tiedepoliittinen valta : tutkimuksen ohjauskeinot valtion tutkimuslaitosten ja tutkimusrahoituksen kokonaisuudistuksessa
Published 2015“…The thesis studies the political steering instruments of Finnish public research as introduced and reformed in the Comprehensive Reform of State Research Institutes and Research Funding in 2014. …”
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Estejuoksutapahtumien suosion jäljillä : ExtremeRun -estejuoksutapahtuman osallistujaprofiili ja osallistumisen motiivit
Published 2020“…The popularity of this modern and carnivalesque alternative to the traditional running events first exploded in the United States, eventually reaching the crazy Finns as well. …”
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Suositustasoinen kehotus: Diskurssianalyysi Suomen valtiojohdon kriisiviestinnästä poikkeusolojen aikana
Published 2024“…Directives that were not based on the law but were stated as such caused the speech act to be problematic. …”
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"Joo kotona tee opiskele relevant vocab" : monikielisyys amerikkalaisilla suomen tunneilla
Published 2014“…This thesis investigates multilingual practices in Finnish language classes taking place in the United States. The data consists of three recorded sessions. …”
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Lähiesimiehen vallankokemus sosiaali- ja terveysalalla
Published 2017“…I have approached the topic by defining my own interpretation of management and power as well as by stating arguments for the concepts supporting my research. …”
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Kahden kaupungin päiväkotilasten motoriset perustaidot
Published 2016“…Data was analyzed statistically with SPSS Statistics 22.0-program (IBM, United States). There were no statistically significant differences in FMS between the towns. …”
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Kulttuurin opetus kansalaisopistojen suomalaisen viittomakielen ja englannin kielen alkeiskursseilla
Published 2013“…The two most important linguistic-cultural topics were politeness and English-speaking countries, the two most important English-speaking countries were England and the United States, and the two most important country-related themes were national symbols and traveling. …”
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