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"Free your heels - free your mind" : telemark skiing - a lifestyle sport in Finland
Published 2019“…The almost forgotten skiing style had a new coming in the 1970s in the United States and gained popularity around the world in the 1990s. …”
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Heikko ravintotilanne rajoittaa hauen (Esox lucius) ja kuhan (Sander lucioperca) kasvua Suotajärvessä
Published 2014“…Experimental gill net fishing was used to study the overall state of the fish community and more specifically to identify the possible prey species of pike and pike perch. …”
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Liikuntaneuvonta Etelä-Pohjanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin alueella
Published 2014“…To improve the state of physical activity coun-seling it is necessary to build better cooperation between social and health care workers and services. …”
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Työsuojelulla työhyvinvointia - miten toiminta toteutuu käytännössä?
Published 2013“…According to the interviewees the state of the OHS within the corporation was good and the corporation reacted well when problems occurred. …”
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Liikunta ja työhyvinvointi Keudan ammattioppilaitosten opettajilla
Published 2016“…The research was done as a survey in different units of Keuda consortium in Järvenpää, Kerava, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Sipoo and Tuusula and in a unit for adults in Helsinki. …”
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Voidaanko perinnöllisesti matala aerobinen kapasiteetti kumota hyvän aerobisen kapasiteetin omaavilta rotilta saadulla ulosteensiirteellä?
Published 2021“…The previous generation was transported to Finland from the University of Toledo (the United States of America) in October 2019. Rats (n=32) were divided into eight groups and their bowels were cleansed from microbes. …”
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Statustutkimus korkeakouluopiskelun kontekstissa : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus
Published 2022“…Majority of the articles were located in the United States. There were 22 publication forums related to the topic. …”
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Pandas in action : analysis of China related advanced persistent threat actors’ tactics, techniques & procedures
Published 2023“…Lopuksi hyökkäys vietiin päätökseen käyttämällä erilaisia etäkäyttötyökaluja tietojen varastamiseen tai hyökkäyksen laajentamiseen. For long, the United States has been the single first tier power in cyberspace, but there is a rising contender from the east. …”
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Yksityisyysongelmat sosiaalisissa verkkopalveluissa
Published 2016“…Some differences between Eu-rope and United States concerning privacy are also presented. …”
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Young people and boycotting in three countries
Published 2023“…A total of 667 university students from Finland, Germany, and the United States responded to the questionnaire. The data collected was analysed using correlation analysis, cross tabulation, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). …”
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APT-operaation inhimilliset tekijät : operaation tarkastelu päätöksenteon näkökulmasta
Published 2019“…Especially Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) presents a security threat against individuals and organizations, such as in the cases of the deceleration of Iran's nuclear weapons program in 2010, the intrusion to Ukraine's power plant system in 2015, and the targeted data breach in the Democratic Party of the United States in 2016. Reports on detected operations are technical in nature and do not consider the human aspect, focusing instead on the malware used, the delivery methods, and the analysis of network traffic between attackers and targets. …”
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Loyalist and patriot political discourses in the American Revolutionary War 1773-1783 : a comparative discourse analysis of power, representation and justification
Published 2018“…Lähdeaineisto sisältää painettua lehdistö- ja pamflettimateriaalia vuosien 1773–1783 ajalta, ja lähteissä usein esiintyviä teemoja ja käsitteitä analysoidaan ja vertaillaan alkuperäislähteistä nostettujen, kontekstualisoitujen lainausten avulla. The United States of America gained independence in a war between the years 1775–1783. …”
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Using the latency correction method to calculate the tonic stretch reflex threshold in spastic cerebral palsy pre and post exercise intervention: a case study
Published 2024“…The case study analysed a portion of the h-reflex EMG data using MATLAB (R2023a, The MathWorks Inc, Natick, United States). The primary research questions are 1) is the TSRT corrected velocity dependent in this case study subject for the soleus and medial gastrocnemius? …”
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Ayn Rand ja objektivismi
Published 2018“…Nonetheless, Rand is, particularly outside of the United States, one of the thinkers of whom many have an opinion on, but whose works have scarcely been troughly read. …”
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Debating the causes of the 2007–09 financial crisis : monopoly capital versus the tendency of the rate of profit to fall
Published 2021“…The production-centred methodological approach allows the falling-profit-rate theory to consider the full impact of the offshoring of manufacturing from the U.S. to the periphery of the world economy since the 1980s which, in turn, generated demand for consumer debt and supply and demand for new financial products in the United States. Ultimately, these social processes, which operated on the global scale, led to the 2007–09 financial crisis. …”
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What do employees want? : a case study of Finnish Tech Company
Published 2022“…Employee turnover has been at an all time high within the past year with examples of the phenomenon named “the Great Resignation” rising all over the world including e.g., the United States (Work Institute, 2022 ; Achievers, 2022) and Finland (Ellun Kanat, 2022 ; Kauppalehti, 2022). …”
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Venäjän federaation tavat suorittaa hyökkäyksellisiä kyberoperaatioita vuosina 2007–2020
Published 2021“…These operations were conducted against Estonia in 2007, against Georgia in 2008 and 2019, against Kyrgyzstan in 2009, against Ukraine in 2015, 2016 and 2017, against Germany in 2015 and against the United States of America in 2015–2016 and 2019–2020. …”
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Lintujen ikkunatörmäyskuolemat rengastusaineistoon perustuen
Published 2017“…In previous studies it has been estimated that in the United States alone about 1 billion birds are killed annually due to collisions with windows. …”
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Political themes in political memes : understanding the intent and prevalence of political online memes
Published 2019“…This paper takes on the case of the 2016 United States of America presidential elections including the surrounding timeline, examining the memes present in online discussions in relation to the elections and the candidates affiliated. …”
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"Kun hevonen tarvitsi semmoisen kurituksen" : eläinrääkkäys ja -suojelu Keski-Suomessa 1890–1900
Published 2019“…For background, I have examined the prevention of cruelty to animal acts and their development in England, the United States, Sweden and the Grand Duchy of Finland. …”
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