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"History Will Surely Nail Washington on the Pillar of Shame" : Foreign Policy Rhetoric of the Global Times
Published 2023“…The Global Times saw the United States as China’s greatest global challenge and Washington’s influence was regarded as crucial in international affairs overall as the ”puppet master” behind all the Western and West-aligned countries. …”
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Finanssiteknologia ja vertaislainat : substituutti vai komplementti perinteisille pankkilainoille?
Published 2021“…These results suggest that market maturity may partially explain the cross-elasticity between test subjects. In the United States, test subjects act as substitutes in general, but as complements in the microcredit sector. …”
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International student acculturation at the University of Jyvaskyla
Published 2017“…The implications of this study impact international student acculturation and the confirmation that the International Friendly Campus Scale can be transferrable with a fairly high degree of accuracy between contexts as different as the Midwestern United States and Finland. Use of this scale would be of benefit for universities either with large international student populations or courting international students. …”
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Organization's value communication strategies from a human resource management perspective
Published 2019“…The study was con- ducted with managers and executives in four organizations, of different sizes and economic sectors, throughout the United States and Finland. The research consisted of interviews that aimed to reveal the specific strategies of how values are communicated to employees at different organizations, and to discover what strategies were most effective and why. …”
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Hanke- ja arviointikäytännöt kuntien liikuntapalveluissa : kyselytutkimus kuntien liikuntapalveluista vastaaville yksiköille
Published 2022“…The aim of the study is to find out what kind of projects have been implemented in the target group, what is the current state of project expertise, what kind of opinions the units have about project work and what kind of expertise the units have considering evaluation practices as well as what kind of evaluation practices are used. …”
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The interlacing of many worlds : Bosnian Finnish connection to Bosnia and Herzegovina today
Published 2023“…The results indicate that, first, there is frequent communication with Bosnian communities in Fin- land as well as in Europe and the United States of America. Second, attempts are actively being made to try to maintain links to Bosnian heritage while adapting to Finnish ways of life. …”
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Creating a musically expressive performance : a study of vocalists' use of emotions in performance preparation
Published 2015“…Participants in this study were enrolled in vocal / operatic performance programs at universities in the United States, Ireland, Finland, and Hong Kong. Their progress was tracked throughout the semester by three questionnaires, one at the start of the semester, after a master class performance, and after their jury performance. …”
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Economic Policy Uncertainty and consumer sentiment: Insights from different age demographics
Published 2024“…This study investigates the influence of Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) and four other macroeconomic variables on consumer sentiment across three different age groups in the United States from 1985 to 2023. The study is conducted by using a Vector Autoregression (VAR) model and Granger causality test. …”
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Experiences of non-formal education : a study of motivation sources and empowerment among facilitators
Published 2019“…The interview data consists of eight facilitators from five organizations in three different countries: The United States, Finland, and Thailand. The results indicate that, first, participants have numerous motivation sources which emphasize altruism and egoism in different ways, and second, non-formal education participation has empowered facilitators, learners, and/or societies. …”
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Head, Heart, and Hands : exploring art education for the individual and community
Published 2021“…The study was carried out through the interviews of five experienced art educators in the United States. The data set was analyzed using deductive and inductive thematic analysis. …”
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Kyberturvallisuuden strateginen johtaminen kasvavassa kybermaailmassa Suomessa : kehittämistarpeet uusien haasteiden edessä
Published 2023“…In the international comparison, material was collected from the United States, Sweden and Estonia. From the collected material, the implementation of cyber security management was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. …”
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"Make America Great Again" : a rhetorical analysis of campaign and presidential speeches by Donald Trump in 2016-2017
Published 2018“…The results increase our knowledge and understanding on an international level about this current phenomenon, which manifests itself through political communication and rhetoric as populism – here in Europe as well as in the United States of America. …”
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Tietotekniikan vaikutus animaatioon vuosien varrella
Published 2017“…The study focuses on animation in the United States and Japan. On the basis of the literature review, we can conclude that information technology has had a major impact on animation. …”
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Factors Affecting Uruguay's Bilateral Trade Flows : Gravity Flow Model
Published 2022“…Lately, also China, the United States, and the European Union have become one of the major trading partners of Uruguay. …”
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Decay properties of the new isotopes 188-At and 190-At
Published 2023“…The measured properties were analysed and the same spin and parity as the final state (10^-) is suggested, since the decay was calculated to be unhindered. …”
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Cultural diplomacy : the case analysis of Lithuanian presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2013
Published 2015“…A great range of various cultural events was presented in all member states of the European Union and overseas during the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2013. …”
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Mother's and daughter's : interplay of physical activity with personal, behavioral, and environmental factors
Published 2017“…Family A is from South Korea living in Finland, family B is from Finland and living in Finland, family C is originally from and residing in the United States of America. Before data collection, a pilot study was conducted and the researcher made modifications based on these. …”
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Consumer categorization of the emerging clean meat market
Published 2018“…Three markets have been selected for the study: Finland, Germany, and the United States of America (US). The results show that consumers are interested in clean meat, and many will categorize it as sustainable and humane, but improving consumer education about the product could greatly enhance market introduction. …”
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Published 2021“…In addition, Russia is seen as a potential and growing importance for information technology production and education as a state alongside the United States, China, and Japan. …”
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The Finnish inland fisheries system : the outcomes of private ownership of fishing rights and of changes in administrative practices
Published 1999“…As regards professional fishing, state-ownership of fishing grounds was a recruitment channel into the occupation, and was also found to facilitate effective operations contrary to that of private _ownership. …”
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