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Quantitative assessment of ecotourism in the National Park “Samarskaya Luka”
Published 2019“…The ecotourism dimension discussed in this paper can be used to improve the strategies of the tourism activities, and within the framework of the economic and environmental development of regions with a similar structure. …”
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Synthesis and investigation of coordinative properties of biimidazole-derived ligands
Published 2015“…The ability of the synthesized ligands to bind d-block transition metals such as Fe(II), Zn(II), Ru(II), Ag(I), Re(III), Pt(II), Au(I) was studied. A variety of coordination frameworks were synthesized using biimidazole-based compounds. …”
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Sisältöä tuottavien verkkosivustojen käytön jatkumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät
Published 2018“…The first two constructs the base for the theory and the other two are introduced on the conceptual level. In the later part, a survey was constructed based on the theoretical framework. …”
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Leaps and bounds : towards an integrative theory of cultural evolution
Published 2014“…Such a combinatory framework is intended as a viable answer to Sperber's criticism of applying Darwinism to cultural phenomana. …”
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Venäläisten sotilasyritysten rooli Saharan eteläpuolisessa Afrikassa 2000-luvulla
Published 2024“…The thesis presents a framework of the key roles of PMC’s, which is constructed from literature of background research, and then compares how specifically Russian PMC’s fit into this framework. …”
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Hiilidioksidista vihreäksi metanoliksi metalliorgaanisiin adsorbentteihin perustuvilla talteenotto- ja konversiomenetelmillä
Published 2024“…Lisäksi käydään läpi zeoliittiset imidatsolaatti verkkorakenteet (Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework, ZIF), jotka kuuluvat MOF:ien alaluokkaan. …”
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Conflict styles regarding payment role among Finnish-Chinese intercultural couples
Published 2019“…The present study used a qualitative approach to explore how intercultural couples negotiate possible conflicts regarding a specific topic: payment role. …”
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Conflict styles regarding payment role among Finnish-Chinese intercultural couples
Published 2019“…The present study used a qualitative approach to explore how intercultural couples negotiate possible conflicts regarding a specific topic: payment role. …”
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Identity politics of the Alt Right : social identity theory applied
Published 2020“…Aristotelian principles within social identity theory encompass the analysis framework. The speaker advocates consistent threats to the ingroup, stressing the need to protect white (white European) ethnicity power and control over resources, and elicits disgust at the outgroups. …”
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"This is my portfolio" : portfolios in upper secondary school English studies
Published 2000“…This qualitative case study describes a portfolio programme in the teaching of English as a foreign language in two Finnish upper secondary schools. …”
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Risk communication and risk perception : the case of nuclear power public debate in Lithuania
Published 2012“…The empirical investigation is based on a content analysis of qualitative data concerning risk communication of the target organizations, as well as secondary data analysis of a quantitative data set related to risk perceptions of the public. …”
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Value-based sponsorship between municipality and top-division sport clubs
Published 2024“…In addition, the framework describes special qualities of the symbiosis between a municipality and a sport club in the area. …”
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Massadatan käyttö asiakasanalytiikassa : case Jyväskylän Energia
Published 2017“…Next the framework for the empirical research is presented. …”
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From business correspondence to message exchange : the notion of genre in business communication
Published 1999“…The results indicate that the old-established genre of a 'business letter' has given way to a 'business fax' and a 'business email message', which shift has changed both business discourse practices and textual products. …”
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Competitive balance in Veikkausliiga and Liiga
Published 2020“…Since the nominal paper by Simon Rottenberg in 1956, in which he discussed the notion of competitive balance for the first time, the theory has been a backbone in team sport economics. However, recent empirical evidence shows a clear trend of decrease in the levels of competitive balance across different leagues and sports around the world. …”
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The sustainability of school improvement in challenging contexts : case study of public schools in Antofagasta, Chile
Published 2014“…The study utilizes quantitative and qualitative data analyzed through a thematic analysis methodology. For the analysis, the study includes a theoretical framework containing the structural, organizational and contextual factors needed to achieve sustainability of improvement in schools in challenging contexts. …”
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Kompetenssi informaatioteknologian palveluhallinta tehtävissä
Published 2018“…IT-competency can be divided in four different categories: Personal traits, professional skills, business knowledge and technical knowledge. In this study, a framework is developed from previous academic literature. …”
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Next generation networks, mobility management and appliances in intelligent transport systems
Published 2010“…Currently, the major challenges for the introduced mobility management system are related to robust link information collecting. Thus integration with a standardized solution is researched. There are promising opportunities for such an implementation, but a strong consensus among the standardization organizations is required to achieve a common solution. …”
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The effect of (negative) emotion on pro-environmental behavior : an application of the theory of planned behavior
Published 2016“…The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was used as the theoretical framework, with the primary research aim testing whether emotion affects the theory, and if this is a direct effect on intentions. …”
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Supporting students’ social-emotional learning in Indonesian primary schools
Published 2019“…Using CASEL’s five competencies of SEL as a framework, this qualitative study aims to explore the various forms of SEL support teachers and schools provide for primary school students in Indonesia. …”
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