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Intellectual property rights and economic growth
Published 2015“…Striving for greater economic growth, requires a great understanding of the underlying factors. …”
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Ohjelmistokehittäjien näkemykset Scrum Masterin ihmistaidoista
Published 2022“…The first part of the thesis was carried out as a literature review, which formed the basis for the theoretical framework for the important people skills of a Scrum Master. …”
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Web-ohjelmistokehys Django
Published 2014“…Because of this, developers have started to create tools which have evolved into Web frameworks. With Web frameworks developers do not need to solve same problems repeatedly. …”
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Policies and strategies for effective local governance : fiscal autonomy of the district assemblies in Ghana
Published 2007“…Theoretical literature was used to develop the framework of this research. The findings of this research indicate that the fiscal autonomy of the district assemblies in Ghana have been impeded by some key conflicting policy and legal framework of the decentralisation system in Ghana in that the 1992 Constitution Article 254 is on one hand and other Acts specifically the Financial Administration Act 2003, Act 654, Local Government Service Act 2003, Act 656, Internel Audit Agency Act 2003, Act 658 just to mention a few are also on the other. …”
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Negotiation strategies and offers : perceptions of mergers and acquisitions advisors
Published 2014“…The data was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, principal component analysis, reliability analysis, normality test and a paired samples t‐test. In line with the theoretic framework of the thesis and previous research results, this research suggests that a negotiator’s perception of his or her own negotiation strategy, in a typical negotiation, is more integrative than distributive. …”
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Aineeton pääoma tuotantovarallisuutena luovien alojen perheyrityksissä
Published 2012“…All of the entrepreneurs had a family owned company in creative indus- try. …”
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Pedagogical aspects in cyber security trainings offered by private companies
Published 2021“…In addition to this, companies utilized a wide variety of methods in teaching. These methods and approaches fit well into the frameworks of both cybersecurity and adult education. …”
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IT-projektipäällikön tärkeimmät taidot
Published 2015“…For analysis 19 job advertisements were col-lected and they were analyzed based on a theoretical framework using content analysis and content quantification. …”
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Avusteisen kommunikaation ohjelmiston toteuttaminen progressiivisena WWW-sovelluksena
Published 2019“…In the master’s thesis, a progressive web application developed withthe Ionic framework was examined to understand the needs of augmentative and alternative communication. …”
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Ludus and civilisation : play as an emancipatory concept from the perspective of critical theory
Published 2021“…The dichotomy of work and play forms the crux of the thesis and demonstrating a way to overcome their antagonistic tension is necessary for establishing a conceptual basis for a radically different mode of existence. …”
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Detecting cyber attacks in time : combining attack simulation with detection logic
Published 2021“…The attack simulations will then be turned into actionable detection logic, with the help of the detection logic framework. The framework is designed to guide defenders through a quick and agile process of creating more broad detection logic with the emphasis on tactics, techniques and procedures of attacks. …”
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From an encyclopedia of Iranian Folklore to an ontology of Iranian folklore
Published 2014“…As the material bank is significantly large, semantic marking of the materials in their entirety must be done in a group action and this thesis aims to develop the appropriate framework for the encyclopedia. …”
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Pelillistäminen ohjelmistotuotannossa
Published 2020“…Gamification is also viewed from the perspective of software engineering and a framework used for gamifying software engineering (García ym. 2017) and a method for gamifying a software (Morschheuser ym. 2018) is used as examples. …”
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Green IT perspective on sustainable smart tourism development
Published 2019“…The framework can also be used as a tool in developing smart tourism, as the themes of the framework form a sustainable whole. …”
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ICT-strategia osana liiketoiminnan kehitystä
Published 2015“…This study will answer the question how an organization's ICT strategy is formed and how it can be align with business strategy. The study presents a theory based framework about formation of ICT strategy and the associated methodologies to the collect necessary strategic information from organization. …”
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“Should we vote for women just because they are women?” : intersectional assessment of women’s political participation in Zambia
Published 2020“…The aim of this study was to define and assess the themes for women’s political participation in Zambia in the framework of feminist theory. As the research went on, the central theoretical concepts were narrowed down to anti-essentialism and feminist intersectionality. …”
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Haavoittuvuusskannausmenetelmien vertaileva tutkimus
Published 2024“…Based on this, a framework was created to aid in selecting the best suited method for both vulnerability and compliance scanning. …”
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Circular economy definitions and assessment in Finnish media
Published 2018“…I combine similar and overlapping features to form seven main characteristic groups that will act as a basis for the research analysis. In the theoretical framework I also present information on the role of media in society and as a creator of definitions. …”
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Ketteryyden omaksumisen arviointi julkishallinnollisessa organisaatiossa
Published 2022“…Agile methods are based on agile values and principles that guide the different frameworks of agile methods, but the implementation of frameworks has its own challenges, and the organization ends up adopting the ideology of the framework rather than agility. …”
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Irtautuminen kulutuskeskeisyydestä köyhyystarinoissa
Published 2024“…The research question in this thesis is how poverty stories show a break away from consumerism when viewed from the framework of sustainable well-being. …”
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