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Value co-creation and co-destruction in Untappd
Published 2022“…It also confirms that CIS framework along with laddering technique and thematical analysis is a suitable combination for studying value co-creation and co-destruction. …”
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Mobiilisovelluksen käyttäjäarviointia : fyysinen mobiili vuorovaikutus puolijulkisessa tilassa
Published 2017“…First, the purpose of this thesis was to discover both a theoretical framework and a method from literature for the qualitative study of a mobile application. …”
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Making the biggest impact via focused product stewardship strategy for pharmaceutical device and packaging development
Published 2023“…First, a literature review of 39 academic articles and book chapters was done to identify the overall framework of product stewardship and how it is portrayed in literature. …”
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Kriittisen infrastruktuurin ohjausjärjestelmien kyberturvallisuus
Published 2019“…This Bachelor’s Thesis addresses the reliability of critical infrastructure’s SCADA systems from a resilience and cyber security perspective. This thesis is meant to define how different best practices and frameworks advise critical infrastructure organizations to strengthen their own operational reliability in the event of ever-changing cyber-disruptions. …”
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Impact of software reuse on the software quality within Go ecosystem
Published 2023“…The world of third-party libraries and software frameworks has led to a design pattern called "Opportunistic Design." …”
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Järjestelmän loppukäyttäjän rooli sekä kokemusten hyödyntäminen järjestelmien edelleenkehityksessä vakuutusyhtiö Ifissä
Published 2014“…The framework is a type of a process model, and by taking the different factors of it into account, an increasing systemic performance can be obtained. …”
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The customer complaining behavior : why customers do not complain
Published 2017“…At the same time, the need for understanding the customer complaining be-havior was noticed being vital for service management. This research is a response for the Tronvoll’s (2012) call for better understanding the customer complaining behavior. …”
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Value Co-Creation in Corporate Esports Leagues Players' Experiences
Published 2024“…The theoretical foundation of ser-vice-dominant logic and value co-creation shows that the players are actors in value co-creation process and the 2010 framework of value co-creation in con-sumer information systems by Tuunanen, Cassab and Mayers provides a lens for understanding how the system value propositions, and customer value drivers can be viewed from the players experiences. …”
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Pilvipalveluiden tietoturva : standardit ja viitekehykset sekä erityyppisen tiedon suojaaminen
Published 2021“…The theoretical part of the thesis was carried out as a literature review, the purpose of which was to create a theoretical basis for the empirical study, and to compare information security standards and frameworks. …”
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"Olisi enemmän annettavaa, jos asiaan pystyisi kunnolla paneutumaan" : tutkimus lastensuojelutarpeen arvioinnista
Published 2013“…They also do not feel that they have a realistic chance to create a connection to the child, where the child would trust a social worker and tell about her own situation. …”
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Comparative analysis of data stream processing systems
Published 2020“…Also, this thesis explains Apache Kafka which is a log-based data storage widely used in streaming frameworks. …”
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Facilitators and impediments in the adoption and implementation of the HubSpot marketing automation system
Published 2017“…This study is conducted as a case study, and action research was chosen as a relevant research strategy. …”
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Tietokantojen ja ORM:n suorituskykyvertailu eri ohjelmistokehyksissä
Published 2023“…The examined technologies were application frameworks, ORMs, and databases. The thesis includes ASP.NET Core and Django as the application frameworks. …”
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Tuotehallinnan ja laajuudenhallinnan käytännöt pienessä ohjelmistoyrityksessä : tapaustutkimus
Published 2017“…The presented solution is the use of a suitable product management framework. The biggest problem in software projects, one of uncontrollability, is also a problem in software product development projects. …”
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Well-being of pre-primary students in India
Published 2018“…The capabilities approach is used as a framework for understanding the phenomena of well-being in this study. …”
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Knowledge and coaching effectiveness : an exploratory study of two successful Finnish American football coaches
Published 2023“…Based on the framework, results indicated that head coaches had established an environment that consisted of common goals, team culture, values, and a collective mindset as these characteristics were proposed to guide their teams to success. …”
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LoRa-pohjainen monihyppyverkko : case Meshtastic
Published 2023“…With the help of the Meshtastic application framework, a demonstration application was created to verify this operation. …”
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China's rhetoric and soft power towards the Portuguese-speaking countries : the case of Angola
Published 2014“…Thus, rhetorical criticism and soft power provide a framework to analyse which aspects are either emphasised or neglected in the official rhetoric. …”
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Ohjelmistoyrityksen liiketoimintamalli ja sen muutos : tapaus Nomovok oy
Published 2015“…The data is collected from the company managers’ interviews and from the written material on company’s old and current websites. The key element of a software company business model framework is the value proposition describing the products and services offered to customers, plus the reasons for customer to buy from that supplier. …”
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The role of internal processes in brand alignment
Published 2024“…The study investigates the research problem with the help of three research questions, focusing on three areas: level of brand alignment between brand image and brand identity, company's recent name changes and finally, internal processes. To establish a foundation for the study, the theoretical framework walks through the main theoretical concepts: B2B branding, brand identity, brand image, internal brand management, brand alignment as well as the AC4ID Test Framework. …”
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