- 601 301
- Tietojärjestelmätiede 268
- Information Systems Science 264
- 5032 54
- Liikunnan yhteiskuntatieteet 54
- Social Sciences of Sport 54
- Corporate Environmental Management 51
- Yritysten ympäristöjohtaminen 51
- Tietotekniikka 49
- 20425 48
- Mathematical Information Technology 48
- 602 44
- kestävä kehitys 40
- urheilu 39
- liikunta 37
- 502 34
- Liikuntapedagogiikka 34
- Markkinointi 34
- Physical Education Teacher Education 34
- Marketing 33
- markkinointi 33
- ohjelmistokehitys 32
- kyberturvallisuus 31
- 20423 30
- johtaminen 29
- 20422 28
- Entrepreneurship 28
- Yrittäjyys 28
- tietoturva 28
- sosiaalinen media 27
Digital transformation through e commerce in Finnish small and medium sized enterprises : a multi-case study
Julkaistu 2022“…Digital transformation through e-commerce has been a popular topic for over a decade now. The recent Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the e-commerce development of many companies, as they were forced to go online to stay afloat during the restrictions caused by the pandemic. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Combining Differentiated Instruction with practices from Intercultural Education : an exploratory case study from a Finnish classroom
Julkaistu 2024“…This exploratory case study investigates these implementations in a Finnish classroom through a blended DI and IE framework. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Learning Project for Improving Principals’ Understanding of Authentic Leadership : A Case Study of Chinese Principals Studying in Finland
Julkaistu 2019“…Having one of the best education (Ruzzi, 2005; Tilastokeskus, 2019), Finland became a popular destination for international education stakeholders. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
The role of university sports federations in enhancing student sports : a comparative case study between Portugal and Finland
Julkaistu 2011“…However as young people enter higher education, member-states face a problem with a natural withdrawal in participation. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Immigration to Finland as an underaged ice hockey player : experiencing the first steps of an athletic career in a foreign country
Julkaistu 2023“…The dream of becoming a professional athlete is pursued by many, but only a few make it to the top. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
The story of Pitkis-Sport in Satakunnan kansa : content analysis of newspaper articles on a children and youth sports camp
Julkaistu 2014“…This study examines the media publicity of Pitkis-Sport, a children and youth sports camp, in Satakunnan Kansa, a regional newspaper. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Tracking the Finnish social and health care reform : issue arena analysis in a major online news medium
Julkaistu 2015“…The approach of issue arenas provides a theoretical framework for monitoring the debate. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
From void to verdant : converting cutaway peatlands into ecologically diverse photovoltaic farms
Julkaistu 2025“…The study findings and the proposed recommendations provide a framework for considering biodiversity in PV projects situated within cutaway sites. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Product information management challenges in B2B e-commerce : a case study in spare parts business
Julkaistu 2018“…The empirical research is carried out as a single case study through qualitative semi-structured interviews, created from the basis of the framework. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Value as an aid for understanding perceived service quality of digital services : the JYU faculty of information technology as a case study
Julkaistu 2019“…This research is conducted by the means of a review of literature for forming a theoretical framework for understanding perceived service quality of digital services using value as an aid where the socio-cultural context of use, objectives and digital competencies are considered as the broad-based value drivers. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Towards an understanding of the caring phenomenon - why is it so topical? : a search for its role and its attributes in holistic education
Julkaistu 2016“…The author’s voice lends insightful support to Noddings’ propositions of care into the development of a holistic individual, emphasizing equality, purposefulness and meaning of education. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Victims or activists? : a critical discourse analysis on the roles of women and women’s activism in the fight against Boko Haram in Nigeria
Julkaistu 2019“…In 2014, the abduction of 276 schoolgirls from a secondary school in Chibok caused an international out-cry and brought the group under international attention. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Scaling agile to deliver customer value : mapping challenges and role of customer value in the development model of a telco company
Julkaistu 2023“…The study was conducted with thematic interviews from its commissioning organisation which is an established telecom provider in Finland. It has been using a SAFe 5 framework-based development model for several years. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
'Dangerous steps towards the destruction of the liberty of the people' : a conceptual approach on Robert Walpole's excise scheme, 1732-1733
Julkaistu 2014“…The theoretical framework of the study can be described as a fusion of the Continental conceptual history and of the Cambridge school tradition on the history of political ideas. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Design principles for Prompt Engineering within Large Language Models : Case Study on Software Maintenance
Julkaistu 2023“…We discovered that LLMs systematically produce insights and suggestions in software analysis within real production systems. As a tool for the study, we introduce the PESD framework, which serves as a foundation for prompt engineering within software development environment, offering design principles for the prompt engineering processes. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
On the road to systemic sustainability : how can cleantech facilitate the Finnish sustainability transition - a multi-layer perspective backcasting analysis
Julkaistu 2015“…Change is seen as a socio-technical transition process, and described through multi-layer perspective framework. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Domestic resource mobilization by social movement organizations in Latin America : a case study of the Abrinq Foundation for children rights of Brazil
Julkaistu 2008“…Complementarily, literature focused on the foreign aid regime and its impact in the resource mobilization initiatives carried on by SMOs in Latin America is utilized to provide a historical context to the concept of DRM. The case study material of this research consists of documents produced by the Abrinq Foundation in which it describes and evaluates its programs, projects and institutional vision; policy documents published by the federal Executive of Brazil, accounting for compromises made within the framework of Abrinq Foundation’s programs; and interviews conceded by representative members of the Abrinq Foundation to different Brazilian media outlets. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Analysis of socio-economic impact of Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) on the mining community in Zambia : a case study of Chingola Town
Julkaistu 2008“…This thesis focuses on the impact of Konkola Copper Mine (KCM). This company is a Multinational Mining Corporation. It is based in Chingola town in Zambia. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
The impact of store atmospherics and store layout on customer behavior in a hardware store retail setting : case: do-it-yourself store
Julkaistu 2015“…To compile the vast stream of studies around the topic, a framework of re-applied S-O-R model is presented and thus tested in a Kodin Terra DIY store. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Are women included in the private turn? : a case study on how women's empowerment is taken into account in Finnfund's investments to the global south
Julkaistu 2019“…The data was analyzed following thematic analysis, and feminist approaches to development served as a theoretical framework for the research. The findings of the study indicate that women’s concerns are incorporated in Finnfund’s work. …”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu