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Huuhkajat & Helmarit Instagram-julkaisijoina : A-maajoukkuejalkapalloilijoiden Instagram-julkaisujen teemat ja julkaisemisen motiivit
Published 2020“…Over the last decade social media has become a certainly significant component of the society. …”
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Planning, implementing and evaluating a training programme of intra- and interpersonal knowledge and skills for high performance coaches
Published 2020“…The training programme used social emotional learning as a framework for the training, addressing areas such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making. …”
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Taking the web beyond the web : building cross-platform services using web CMS as a backend
Published 2019“…Yksi tällainen rajoitus on, että verkkosivuston data tulee olla strukturaalisessa muodossa. This paper proposed a UI-framework, which can be used to create cross-platform service from existing web service. …”
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To go or not to go : assessing the “Borga” image as a factor in the decision-making process of the prospective Ghanaian migrant
Published 2019“…Relying on the cumulative causation theory as its main theoretical framework, the research data has been analyzed and interpreted using the thematic content analysis approach. …”
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Military service and elite para ice hockey : a case study of American paralympians' sports paths
Published 2020“…An inductive-deductive research approach was chosen by utilizing the Sports Path Model by Aarresola (2016) as a theoretical framework for this sociological exploration of the factors influencing Para ice hockey players’ paths to Paralympic success. …”
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“The Shoemaker’s Children Always Go Barefoot” – Case Study on Internal Branding within a Marketing Agency
Published 2024“…Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to establish a cohesive framework for internal branding within the scope of organizations’ strategic brand management. …”
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Creating data-driven culture in a Finnish B2B software company's marketing department
Published 2023“…While companies are struggling with finding the right data to gather, some of the main problems to become a data-drive-driven company are cultural. The goal for this study is to understand how a data-driven culture is instilled in employees and what the company culture should be like to make the adoption of the new mindset as easy as possible. …”
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Utopias beyond development : a qualitative study exploring connectedness of Finnish transition movements to post-development
Published 2020“…To explore perceptions of societal alternatives the thesis utilizes the conceptual framework of utopia as a method. The research is rooted in a social constructionist approach to qualitative reflective research. …”
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English proficiency vs. professionalism : a case study of perceived management of linguistic diversity in an international organization
Published 2019“…and 2) How is linguistic diversity approached and managed in a multilingual work place? The data consists of four interviews conducted with employees of an international start-up company located in Finland. …”
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The empowerment of young girls and women through sport and physical activity participation : a case study in Ethiopia
Published 2017“…As a consequence of gender-role socialization, women across the world are still facing unfair perceptions and treatments. …”
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Effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity in overweight adults in the health care setting : a systematic review
Published 2017“…Overweight and obese individuals are at a significant risk for developing cardiovascular disease and other health concerns. …”
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Stakeholder's involvement in municipal solid waste management : a case study of Nairobi city county- Kenya
Published 2014“…After the research, the principle cause for the continued rise in unsustainable SWM in Nairobi was found to be basic social factors such as trust, responsibility, communication and commitment breakdown amongst the stakeholders This paper proposes a policy framework for SWM system and urges a decentralized approach for SWM to be applied to the condition prevalent in Nairobi. …”
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Navigating the competing narratives in social media : a study of Chinese transnationals’ cultural identity work in Finland
Published 2023“…As for the cultural identity work, Chinese transnationals tend to pre-sent multiple levels of identities: besides a strong Chinese identity, they also manifest identities of being a local as well as being a transnational in-betweener. …”
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A comparison of non-linear and linear approaches in developing goal scoring skills in elite youth football
Published 2024“…Player’s goal-scoring abilities were measured both before and after a nine-week intervention training phase. An observational framework was developed to serve as a reliable tool for observing player actions during the skill test. …”
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ISO 27001 information security management standard’s implementation in software development environment : a case study
Published 2020“…The research questions were observed in the software development unit through a contextualisation framework and research themes that revolved around changes in target unit’s information security culture and practices, process of ISO 27001 implementation and employees’ experiences of the process and changes. …”
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The role of internal branding in employee brand knowledge, brand commitment and brand endorsement : a case study
Published 2020“…A research model was formed based on theoretical framework and the measurement constructs were adopted from previous academic research. …”
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Estimating prediction error variances of a plant breeding hybrid model using Monte Carlo sampling
Published 2024“…Overall, the thesis demonstrates that all the methods work in a hybrid model framework when the MC sample size is large enough. …”
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GAP-analysis and needed actions to reach compliance to NIS2 directive in a global industrial manufacturing company
Published 2024“…The research process combines a literature review that establishes the theoretical framework with qualitative data gathered from interviews with key stakeholders. …”
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Analysis of urban sustainable development perceptions in the City of Jyväskylä : a qualitative case study on Resource Wisdom concept
Published 2021“…The research results suggest that both organizations seek to maintain communication and collaboration advantages in order to reach a set of sustainability targets. The conceptual framework supported the findings, even though the urban resilience and smart city concepts were mostly absent in the analyzed data. …”
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National development discourses within the global development hegemony : a case study of the post-2015 consultations in Tanzania
Published 2014“…In contrast to previous global development frameworks, we are now facing a universal agenda that sees development as a shared concern between the global North and South. …”
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