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Fysioterapeuttisen ohjauksen puhetapoja sairaalavaiheessa lonkkaleikkauksen jälkeen
Published 2015“…Keywords: patient, physiotherapy, way to communicate, guidance, patient education, interaction, communication …”
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Definition of Self in the World of Mobility : Multicultural Identity of Finnish Youth
Published 2024Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Viestintä osallisuuden lähtökohtana vammaissosiaalityössä
Published 2019“…The subject of this study was the customers’ perceptions of the communication and interaction among disability services. …”
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"To your petit-bourgeois feminism, I prefer the real one" : discursive constructions of identities and ideologies in feminism-centred plenary debates in the European Parliament
Published 2021“…The aim of this study is to explore how identities and ideologies are constructed and negotiated in front-stage political communication. Owing to the increased influence of political communication in the social sphere, particularly when referring to groups traditionally excluded from power, the study analyses debates where the figure of the woman is central. …”
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Designing Features for Fido: What Makes Animal-Computer Interaction So Different From Human-Computer Interaction?
Published 2013“…This also applies for usability and other technical issues surrounding the development of computerised systems for animals communicating in such different ways from human users. …”
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Young people and boycotting in three countries
Published 2023“…This has given rise to a phenomenon known as the 'Cancel culture', which can be seen as a sudden outburst of negative communication against a person, company, or group. Previous research on this topic has focused on Cancel Culture as a phenomenon, so this study focused on people's motivation to participate in cancelling and also boycotting. …”
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Institutional support of Finnish universities : Bangladeshi students’ experiences
Published 2019“…This paper examines Bangladeshi students’ reasons of feeling anxious when they go abroad for higher education and their perception on institutional support that helps them in managing anxiety which eventually leads to effective communication. As international student population cannot be considered as one homogeneous group, studying Bangladeshi students’ perceptions and viewpoints brought out interesting insights. …”
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Construction of Baloch Ethnic Identity In Music on Social Media Platform YouTube
Published 2024Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Enhancing cross-cultural adjustment : a case study of international researcher's spouses in Finland
Published 2019Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Situational activity on children’s leadership behaviours
Published 2019Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Intercultural competence needs of exchange students coming to or going abroad from the university of Costa Rica
Published 2012“…The results show that open-mindedness, and past experiences are important to adapt and re-adapt faster; results also show that support groups are very important in the adaptation and re-adaptation process. …”
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Empathy and intercultural understanding in the context of international long-term volunteers
Published 2014Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Spatial practices in the mobile network and the rise of individual power : a case study of the Sunflower Student Movement in Taiwan
Published 2020“…This thesis chooses the Sunflower Student Movement as a case to analyze the mutual construction of power-knowledge relation in the social background of mobile communication-body relation. The Sunflower Student Movement was a civil protest composed of students, civic groups and the general public. …”
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Spreading ideologies through tweets : examining extreme and moderate Muslims usage of Twitter
Published 2018“…Twitter enables groups with certain agendas to organize and distribute their ideologies. …”
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Refugee children’s agency in a host country’s Early Childhood Education Program : Ethnographic case study in Berlin, Germany
Published 2022“…The researcher, who had previously worked in the FBO, re-visited the group as a participant-observer, collected data, and analyzed it by using qualitative thematic analysis. …”
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Vuorovaikutuksen merkitys paikkaan sitoutumisessa : identiteetit ja sosiaalinen pääoma
Published 2018“…This research focuses on communication between employees and residents of the municipality. …”
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