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Examining the influence of consumer-to-consumer eWOM source credibility on brand awareness, purchase intention, eWOM intention, and eWOM behavior in Facebook
Published 2021“…The data was collected in a Facebook group called “Suositusten mukaiset kengät lapselle”. …”
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Tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen opettamisesta yläkoulun liikuntatunnilla : liikuntapedagogiikan aikuiskoulutuksen maisteriohjelmasta valmistuvien opiskelijoiden kokemuksia ja näk...
Published 2024“…The term the target of the impact refers to the factors underlying an individual's or group's psychosocial well-being. The third factor was pedagogical solutions meaning how these skills are taught. …”
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Fysioterapeuttien itsearvioidut näkemykset taidon osaamisesta akuuttisairaalassa
Published 2018“…The survey was conducted in autumn of 2015 and the target group was physio-therapists who worked in one of the Finnish hospital districts (N=200). …”
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Lääkkeitä määräävien sairaanhoitajien ja lääkäreiden yhteistyö perusterveydenhuollon vastaanottotoiminnassa
Published 2016“…Treatment plans were made through collaboration between professional groups in many different ways. However, only a few treatment plans were prepared and attitudes towards them varied. …”
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"Tutkat päällä" : fysioterapeuttien käsityksiä lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeisestä fysioterapeuttisesta ohjauksesta
Published 2014“…Physiotherapy expertise, communication and interaction, and ethicality were the key elements of successful post-operative patient education. …”
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Saavutettavuus on meidän jokaisen vastuulla : kehittämistutkimus julkisen organisaation henkilöstön saavutettavuusosaamisen kehittämisestä
Published 2023“…The research material consisted of the results of a questionnaire directed at personnel, materials from thematic interviews, and materials and notes from focus group work. In addition, observation data and written documents of the organization were utilized in the study. …”
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"Jos sen paperin kerran rypistää, niin kyl se vaikee on saada suoraksi" : salibandypelaajien kokemuksia valmentajan vuorovaikutusosaamisesta ja sen merkityksestä pelaajan koetulle...
Published 2023“…The research method was qualitative and the material for the study was collected with semi-structured interviews. The target group consisted of two men's F-League floorball teams, from which three players were selected for interviews in each team. …”
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Ahdistaako koululiikunta? : yhdeksäsluokkalaisten ahdistuneisuuskokemukset koulun liikuntatunneilla
Published 2014“…Teachers should pay more attention to guiding operation and interaction within the group. Atmosphere of the lessons sould be more task oriented. …”
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Cost-effectiveness of telerehabilitation compared with usual care in chronic musculoskeletal disorders : systematic review
Published 2023“…Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) occur in all population groups, and significantly limits an individual’s ability to function, decreasing well-being and participation. …”
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Yksinäisyyden kokeminen nuoruusiässä : WHO-Koululaistutkimus
Published 2015“…Good emotional and communication skills helps the adolescent to form friendships. …”
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Murrosikäisten tyttöjen ajatuksia ja kokemuksia sosiaalisen median yhteydestä kehonkuvaan
Published 2020“…Socialization and communication were the main motives for them to use social media. …”
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