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Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönotto pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä
Published 2019“…Communication needs to be effective inside the project group, and the management need to get the whole organization to accept the changes. …”
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Videoinnin ja digitaalisen tarinankerronnan hyödyntäminen koululiikunnassa : tapaustutkimus yläkoulun yhdeksännen luokan oppilaiden kokemuksista
Published 2016“…Object of the study was a physical education group of 24 students, 15 of them girls and 9 boys. …”
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Työnohjaajan ja ryhmän vuorovaikutus työnohjaajan työtapojen osalta heikoksi arvioiduissa etätyönohjausistunnoissa
Published 2023“…The goal of this thesis was to survey communicational phenomena from clinical supervision group sessions where one or more participants had evaluated the methods of the clinical supervisor as weak on the evaluation form. …”
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Utilizing social software for early-stage B2B trust building process in cross-cultural collaborations : Finland and South Korea
Published 2015“…However, it was found that social software cannot completely substitute face-to-face communication. …”
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Kyberturvallisuuden hallintorakenteen toiminnan analyysi : tapaus kriittisen infrastruktuurin organisaatiossa
Published 2021“…The second discovery was the co-operation groups formed by the organization. Groups had representation from all levels of decision-making and both the technical and the administrative sides of cybersecurity. …”
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Not just for the sake of a report : enhancing corporate social responsibility reporting by involving stakeholders
Published 2015“…Furthermore, they seem to be willing to participate in two-way communication forms with the company. It looks like different forms of involvement attract different stakeholder groups. …”
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Elektroninen suosittelumarkkinointi blogeissa : viestijän ja viestin sisällön vaikutukset eWOM-viestinnän uskottavuuteen ja kuluttajakäyttäytymiseen
Published 2015“…The main goal of this thesis was to broaden the knowledge about blogs as a marketing communication platform. In theory part the main focus was in eWOM–communication’s use in marketing and its credibility. …”
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Standardointi yhteistoiminnallisissa liikennejärjestelmissä
Published 2022“…A group of organizations that have developed major standards in the field cooperative intelligent transportation systems were also identified. …”
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Kuuntelen – Puhun – Luen – menetelmästä digitaalinen oppimiskokonaisuus ViLLE-oppimisympäristöön asiantuntijoiden yhteistyönä
Published 2024“…The research was conducted in a school under the auspices of the Finnish National Agency for Education, with the participation of a four-member expert group formed from the school's staff. The group consisted of three special education teachers and one communication instructor, all of whom had expertise in the KPL method or the use of educational technology in teaching. …”
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Vuorovaikutukseen sitoutuminen, vireys ja allianssi videovälitteisissä työnohjausistunnoissa
Published 2022“…The aim of this thesis is to explore engagement, vigilance and working alliance in video-mediated group supervision. Video-mediated group supervision is a growing discipline with its own particular characteristics. …”
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Suositustasoinen kehotus: Diskurssianalyysi Suomen valtiojohdon kriisiviestinnästä poikkeusolojen aikana
Published 2024“…ABSTRACT Laine, Janna Discourse Analysis of the Finnish Government’s Crisis Communication during Emergency Conditions in the COVID-19 Pandemic Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2024, 130 pp. …”
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Case study: The decision-support framework and NIS2, CER, and DORA incident reporting obligations
Published 2024“…The key findings highlight that clear roles and responsibilities, established communication paths, a diverse team, and knowledgeable individuals in the core group related to the incident are essential. …”
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"Kyllä liikunta on ihan olennainen juttu työssäjaksamisessa" : henkilöstön näkemyksiä yhtiön toimenpiteistä liikunnan edistämiseksi
Published 2019“…The study partisipants (N=61, 26 women, 34 men) represented different age and personnel groups. The data was analyzed by theory-quided content analysis. …”
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Melua mittaavan langattoman anturiverkon klusterointi
Published 2015“…Also intra-cluster and inter-cluster communication must be taken into account when choosing the clustering protocol. …”
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Contemporary Sport Policy in Bulgaria – Priorities, Problems and Future Prospects for Tackling Inactivity : focus on sport participation
Published 2018“…Some gave a critical self-reflection on the need to give more attention to certain age groups such as the elderly. All three municipalities had their own policy activities implemented which signalled for good level of autonomy. …”
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Changing or upholding the system? : Finnish university students' perceptions on novel wood-based textiles
Published 2023“…The barrier could be overcome, and the novel textiles more easily accepted by emphasizing the circular economy aspects of the novel wood-based textiles or focusing the marketing and communication of the textiles to other more purchase determining factors such as quality. …”
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Uusien yliopisto-opiskelijoiden tietotekniset taidot ja CSE-uskomukset
Published 2014“…The uncertain group consisted of approximately half of studied women, and only a small fraction of studied men. …”
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"Lapsella on pelisilmää" : sosiaaliset taidot ja niiden arviointi alkuopetuksessa
Published 2015“…Skills needed in group work were considered twofold: communication and the factors related to the individual. …”
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Vihreä IT datakeskuksissa
Published 2016“…The study reveals that the use of green IT can be grouped into three categories: IT devices, their software and the indirect utilization of IT. …”
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Fibion Muutos -ohjelman vaikutus istumis- ja aktiivisuustottumuksiin : kolmen kuukauden työhyvinvointi-interventio
Published 2021“…Statistical analyses were conducted using Mann-Whitney´s U-test and Wilcoxon´s test. The between-group differences favored the intervention group in sitting time (avg. 37,8 minutes, p=0,268), sitting breaks (avg. 5,1 %, p=0,387) and in LPA (avg. 27,6 minutes, p=0,268) compared to the control group at follow-up. …”
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