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- Englannin kieli 54
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- 3134 45
- Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication 44
- englannin kieli 43
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- kulttuurienvälinen viestintä 40
- viestintä 37
- English language 35
- suullinen kielitaito 35
- 601 32
- Tietojärjestelmätiede 32
- Information Systems Science 30
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- vuorovaikutus 24
- sosiaalinen media 23
- oral language skills 21
- identiteetti 19
- Intercultural Communication (maisteriohjelma) 17
- lukio 15
- puheviestintä 15
- social media 15
- sosiaaliset taidot 14
- 502 13
- Liikuntapedagogiikka 13
- Physical Education Teacher Education 13
- opiskelijat 13
- 3131 12
- Organizational Communication 12
Miksi maksaa kun ilmaiseksikin saa : lukijoiden halukkuus maksaa verkkojournalismista
Published 2019“…The distribution of answers and averages were examined, respondents were divided into groups based on subscription behavior and socio-demographic factors and the groups were compared. …”
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Suomalaista viittomakieltä omaksuvien lasten kieliympäristön piirteet
Published 2020“…Children acquiring Finnish Sign Language are a heterogeneous group because they have different linguistic and cultural backgrounds (Kanto 2018: 92). …”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Differenzierung im Unterricht : Ansichten von Deutschlehrern in der finnischen Gemeinschaftsschule
Published 2021Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis -
Korpusonomastinen tutkimus Helsinkiin liittyvistä diskursseista Suomi24-verkkokeskustelualustalla
Published 2020Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Konstruoidun toiminnan kehystämisen strategiat suomalaisen viittomakielen tarina- ja keskusteluaineistossa
Published 2024Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Vauhti- ja taukosujuvuus suomalaisessa viittomakielessä
Published 2018Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Käsiotteen ja viittomakielisen käsimuodon välinen ikonisuus kognitiivis-semioottisesta näkökulmasta
Published 2017Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
"Say it in English please" : englanninkielisen suullisen vuorovaikutuksen rooli alakoulun englannin oppitunneilla
Published 2013“…The role of the English oral interaction in English teaching in primary schools. …”
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Transition to working life and benefits of education as experienced by the graduates of an international master's programme in sport management
Published 2017“…As the most important skills received from the programme they listed communication skills, organisational skills and leadership skills. …”
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Class teachers and subject teachers’ perceptions of teaching English at primary school
Published 2019“…Both the subject teachers and the class teachers with a qualification to teach English used mainly action-based teaching. Oral skills and communication had a big emphasis in their teaching. …”
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CP-vammaisten oppilaiden ja henkilökunnan vuorovaikutus konduktiivisen opetuksen ryhmässä
Published 2017“…Conductors and students communication was similar in the group sessions. …”
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Sidosryhmien välinen viestintä häiriön- ja muutostenhallinnan prosesseissa : tapaustutkimus
Published 2022“…Based on the results, in turn, for the success of communication, continuous and timely communication throughout the process, oral communication and achieving the common understanding by utilizing different ways and communication tools are particularly important. …”
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Jääkiekkovalmentajien vuorovaikutusosaaminen U16-U20 ikävaiheissa ja sen yhteys joukkueen koheesioon
Published 2023“…According to players’ experience, results showed differences in team cohesion and coaches’ feedback between age groups. Teams in the U16 age group had weaker team cohesion than the teams in the U18 and U20 age groups. …”
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Informal roles within eSport teams : a content analysis of the game 'Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Published 2016“…Informal roles are roles that are not formally prescribed by a group or organization and are being established through group interaction that takes place among group members. …”
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Vuokratyöyritysten tietojärjestelmät vuorovaikutuksen työkaluina
Published 2015“…Constructive part of the study is executed problem-centered emphasizing on interaction meaning the communication between labor hire organizations and its interest groups. …”
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Erimielisyydet ryhmämuotoisessa pariterapiassa sekä terapeuttien ja ryhmäläisten vastaukset
Published 2024“…Our data consisted of recorded sessions in couple group therapy. In our data, couples disagreed on topics related to child rearing, communication, conflict situations, alcohol use, meaning of friendship, and sexuality. …”
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Tietokoneavusteisen kommunikoinnin haasteet
Published 2020“…Computer-assisted communication was found to be associated with a wide variety of challenges that are different from each other and that vary in prevalence in different situations and with different user groups. …”
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Chatbot ja asiakaskokemus
Published 2024“…It is worthwhile for companies to be aware of their customer group, its’ expectations and to communicate to the customer clearly what kind of problems the chatbot in question is able to answer. …”
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Viestinnän vaikutus projektinhallinnassa : yritysjärjestelmien käyttöönotto
Published 2018“…As a result, it was found, that the implementation success can be affected by communication. By understanding how to communicate between different stakeholder groups and by involving the end users in the decision-making process, the right requirements for the system can be provided. …”
Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis