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Impact of an acid, polyhumic river on estuarine zoobenthos and vegetation in the Baltic Sea, Finland
Published 2022JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Impact of an acid, polyhumic river on estuarine zoobenthos and vegetation in the Baltic Sea, Finland
Published 1989JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Spatio-temporal differences in the growth of wild and reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Baltic Sea
Published 2013“…Warmer water was associated with decreased growth during first sea growth season in the Gulf of Finland and during second sea growth season in the Main Basin. …”
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Liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan soveltuvuus urheiluorganisaation käyttöön : case AKK Sports Oy
Published 2016“…Tässä tutkimuksessa tut- kittiin urheiluliiketoiminnan alalla toimivan, AKK Sports Oy:n, soveltuvuutta hyödyntää liiketoimintatiedon hallintaa osana sen toimintaa. …”
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Sosiaalisen median markkinoinnin vaikutukset asiakassuhteisiin ja liikuntasitoutumiseen : case SuperPark Oy
Published 2019“…Liikuntapalveluiden kaupallistuessa SuperPark Oy:n kaltaisten liikuntapalveluyritysten tulee ymmärtää sosiaalisen median markkinoinnin mahdollisuudet asiakassuhteiden ja liikuntasitoutumisen kehittämisessä. …”
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"Are you Swedish?" : the heterogeneous identity of Finland-Swedish students
Published 2024“…According to the Finnish Constitution, the national languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish. In Finland, there is a Swedish-speaking minority living mainly on the coast of the Baltic Sea. …”
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Using AI to study impact of driving patterns
Published 2023“…A T10G device from Aplicom Oy, containing important interfaces to the vehicle sensors via a CAN bus interface and on-device sensors that measure vehicle speed, latitude longitude and timestamp data, is used to analyze driving behavior. …”
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Assessment of the impacts of an oil spill on the populations of common guillemot (Uria aalge) and long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis) - an expert knowledge based Bayesian network...
Published 2012“…The amount of operated oil transports continues to increase in the Gulf of Finland and in the case of an accident hazardous amounts of oil may be spilled into the sea. …”
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Harmaahylkeen (Halichoerus grypus) ravinto eri osissa pohjoista Itämerta
Published 2013“…Relative proportions of the prey species in the grey seal diet were estimated by season, gender and the age group in six different areas: Bothnian Bay, Quark, Bothnian Sea, Archipelago, Åland Sea and the Gulf of Finland. …”
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Assessment of environmental impacts with life cycle methods in nanotechnology industry
Published 2013“…This thesis inspected how nanotechnology companies in Finland have been assessing the environmental impacts of their products and processes. …”
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Koeajoja: Auton käyttöönotto Suomessa 1900-1918
Published 2021“…In Finland the use of automobiles started at the beginning of 20th century, which was later than in the neighbouring countries. …”
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Development of analysis method for determination of mineral oil contamination in cardboard
Published 2016“…The present study investigated on the behalf of Metsä Board Oy (Finland) an efficient analytical method for the determination of mineral oil in cardboard by using cardboard extraction (sample separation), a solid phase extraction (SPE) process (purification) and gas chromatography-flame ionization (GC-FID) (mineral oil quantitation). …”
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Sähköisen portfolion käyttö näyttötutkinnossa
Published 2016“…The digitalization and the digital leap have been discussed a lot in 2010s in Finland. How digitalization could be used in competence-based qualification for example in an assessment of software engineering? …”
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Yläraajakuormitus leipomon lähettämötyössä : älyvaateteknologia fyysisen kuormituksen mittaamisessa
Published 2020“…Measurements were conducted by using wearable technology (Myontec Oy) which gives information about physical workload by EMG, movement sensors and wrist heart rate monitor. …”
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Koiran omistamisen rasitteet : taustatekijät ja yhteydet koiran sosiaaliseen kognitioon
Published 2021“…Data about dogs’ problem-solving style preferences and use of human communicative cues was obtained from SmartDOG Oy, which implemented the smartDOGTM KOGNITIO test battery. …”
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Aktiiviset toimenpiteet osana Venäjän tiedustelupalveluiden toimintaa
Published 2024“…The information generated by this research can be utilized to understand, identify, and prevent Russian state intelligence activities and to assess the threat they pose to Finland. The study produced information about active measures as part of the promotion of Russia's strategical interests in the Baltic Sea region. …”
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Kontekstiin perustuvan älypuhelinviestinnän käyttäjäkokemus
Published 2016“…Application's perceived usefulness and ease of use affect the attitude towards technology, which together with the trust continues to affect the probability of using the application. …”
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Säärisuojien suojaavuus ja käytettävyys jalkapallossa
Published 2015“…Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin Zero Point Finland Oy:n valmistamien säärisuojaprototyyppien toimivuutta jalkapallossa. …”
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Suomun vakaat isotoopit Itämeren lohen (Salmo salar L.) syönnösvaellustutkimuksessa
Published 2014“…Acidified outer part of scale reflected migration routes of final feeding season. 60-70 % of Kemijoki origin salmon were occupying southern Baltic Proper and the Main area as a final feeding area. 20 % of salmon fed in Bothnian Sea and 10-30 % of salmon fed in Gulf of Finland. …”
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Patruunat liikunnan asialla : liikunta osana teollisuuden sosiaalitoimintaa Suomessa ja Jämsänkoskella 1920-1970-luvuilla
Published 2014“…Like the other employer-organized social services, the sport services of industrial companies expanded and diversified in Finland until the 1960s and 1970s. Sport activities were seen useful in promoting the physical and mental well-being of workers as well as improving the social relations and solidarity of work community. …”
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