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Agents driven smart sensors
Published 2017“…One way of reducing the heterogeneity between the sensors is to introduce the semantic interface as sensors default interface. …”
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Television äänen muutos teknologisessa kehityskulussa : paikallaan pysyviä ja liikkuvia television äänen käyttömuotoja
Published 2018“…All mobile systems can be connected to cellular phones and laptops. …”
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Tietojenkalastelu ja siitä ilmoittaminen suomalaisessa it-alan organisaatiossa
Published 2023“…Regarding the relationship between using a mobile device to open phishing emails and the success of phishing, no direct conclusions could be drawn from this study because phishing emails were rarely opened on mobile devices, and therefore, there was not enough data. …”
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Erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden HOJKS-tavoitteet ICF-viitekehyksessä
Published 2016“…The largest ICF chapters of the goals were learning and applying knowledge (d1) with 34 %, communication (d3) with 20 % and mobility (d4) with 19 % of all of the notes. …”
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Anomalioiden havaitseminen langattomissa sensoriverkoissa syväoppimisen avulla
Published 2019“…Acting as an interface between the physical and the digital world in IoT applications, wireless sensor networks are exposed to a wide range of information security threats due to their open nature of communications, the technological immaturity of IoT solutions and the accelerating growth of cybercrime. …”
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Tietojärjestelmiin liittyvät haasteet yrityksen huoltoprosessissa
Published 2021“…It was recommended to improve the data transfer between the information systems which would also improve the quality of data. …”
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Kuulon ja sen ulottuvuuksien yhteys elinpiiriin ikääntyvillä naisilla ja miehillä
Published 2023“…The ability to walk explained the association between hearing ability and life-space. Although there is no association between hearing ability and life-space in this study, it can’t be said that hearing would not affect the well-being of older adults. …”
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"Jaksaa paremmin, kun nukkuu paremmin" : ammatillisen oppilaitoksen opiskelijoiden kokemuksia eBoss-hyvinvointivalmennuksesta
Published 2019“…The differences in well being between the students in high school and in vocational school are systematic for instance in the area of health behavior. …”
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Cost-effectiveness of telerehabilitation compared with usual care in chronic musculoskeletal disorders : systematic review
Published 2023“…Three randomized controlled trials, conducted between 2013–2020 were included in this review. The participants were diagnosed with upper/ lower limb or back problems or hip/knee osteoarthritis. …”
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