Suggested Topics within your search.
- electron-phonon interaction 3
- elektronit 3
- fononit 3
- Green's function 2
- Greenin funktio 2
- aikariippuva monihiukkashäiriöteoria 2
- approksimointi 2
- excitation spectra 2
- kiinteän olomuodon fysiikka 2
- kvanttimekaniikka 2
- many-body problems 2
- many-body theory 2
- monen kappaleen teoria 2
- numeeriset menetelmät 2
- spektroskopia 2
- time-dependent many-body perturbation theory 2
- 4024 1
- Eliashberg theory 1
- Eliashbergin teoria 1
- Teoreettinen fysiikka 1
- Theoretical Physics 1
- elektroni-fononi-vuorovaikutus 1
- flat band 1
- pintatilat 1
- romboedrinen grafiitti 1
- rombohedral graphite 1
- superconductivity 1
- suprajohtavuus 1
- surface states 1
- tasovyö 1
Electron-phonon interaction in flat-band superconductivity
Published 2017Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Application of time-dependent many-body perturbation theory to excitation spectra of selected finite model systems
Published 2016Subjects: JYX julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Application of time-dependent many-body perturbation theory to excitation spectra of selected finite model systems
Published 2016Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation