Suggested Topics within your search.
- Englannin kieli 13
- English 13
- oppimistyylit 11
- 301 9
- opetus 9
- learning styles 8
- vanhemmuus 8
- oppiminen 7
- koululaiset 6
- parenting styles 6
- perheet 6
- englannin kieli 5
- kääntäminen 5
- lapset (ikäryhmät) 5
- sosiaalinen kehitys 5
- style 5
- tyylit 5
- kieli ja kielet 4
- kotikasvatus 4
- learning style 4
- nuoret 4
- ongelmat 4
- parenting style 4
- vanhemmat 4
- vanhempi-lapsisuhde 4
- vuorovaikutus 4
- Educational leadership 3
- Luokanopettajakoulutus 3
- Teacher Education 3
- dialogue 3
Learning styles meet classroom activities
Published 2010Subjects: Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis -
Nuorten aikuisten naisten elämäntyyli : haastatteluaineiston kvalitatiivinen analyysi
Published 1993Subjects: “…life style…”
Master's thesis -
Muuttajien elämäntyylit ja niiden vaikutukset alueen pääsanomalehden tilaamiseen : Case: Helsingin Sanomat
Published 1999Subjects:Master's thesis -
La présentation des Canaques et des Caldoches dans les articles du journal Le Monde pendant la période des élections locales de 1984 en Nouvelle-Calédonie
Published 2007Subjects:Master's thesis -
The use of different style variants and style shifting and their functions in the speech of an EFL teacher
Published 2008Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
Tyylin käsite ja sen rajauksen ongelmat Gérard Genetten esseessä "Style and signification"
Published 2016Subjects: “…Genette, Gérard, kirjoittaja Style and signification…”
JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Master's thesis -
Vammaisten lasten vanhempien hyvinvointi, syytulkintatyylit ja tuen tarpeet
Published 1996Subjects: “…attribution style…”
Master's thesis -
The use of different style variants and style shifting and their functions in the speech of an EFL teacher
Published 2008Subjects: “…style variants…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Style in the translation process : a description of the translation process of two short stories by Carol Shields
Published 2002Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
The teaching style preferences of future Finnish foreign language teachers
Published 2007Subjects:Master's thesis -
Adaptability of expatriates’ leadership style to subsidiary organizational culture a comparative study between self-initiated and assigned expatriates
Published 2021Subjects: “…Leadership style…”
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The role of the English language and the Finnish background in intercultural business communication competence (IBCC) : perceptions of Finnish business people
Published 2005Subjects: “…Finnish communicational style…”
Master's thesis -
Perhe lapsen kokemana
Published 2003Subjects: “…parenting style…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
From Penny Lane to Rööperiin : a contrastive study of three Beatles songs and their Finnish translations
Published 2003Subjects:Master's thesis -
Style in the translation process : a description of the translation process of two short stories by Carol Shields
Published 2002Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
”Ei minun tekstini ole niin yksinkertaista kuin gradujen tekijät väittävät.” : myöhäinen tyyli ja fiktiivisen päiväkirjan syklinen aikarakenne Eeva Kilven teoksessa Kuolinsiivous...
Published 2020Subjects: “…late style…”
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