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- sademetsät 3
- ekologia 2
- indikaattorit 2
- käävät 2
- lahopuut 2
- lahottajasienet 2
- luonnonmetsät 2
- monimuotoisuus 2
- yhteisöekologia 2
- 4011 1
- Bayesian modelling 1
- Bitterlich sampling 1
- Ecology and evolutionary biology 1
- Ekologia ja evoluutiobiologia 1
- Etelä-Amerikka 1
- Gaussian excursion set 1
- MCMC 1
- Monte Carlo -menetelmät 1
- algoritmit 1
- bayesilainen menetelmä 1
- density-dependence 1
- log Gaussian Cox process 1
- mark-dependent thinning 1
- marked point process 1
- pine samplings 1
- random set marked Cox process 1
- tilastomenetelmät 1
- tropical rainforest 1
Polypore substrate preferences and community structure in Brazilian Atlantic rainforest
Published 2017Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Master's thesis -
Polypore substrate preferences and community structure in Brazilian Atlantic rainforest
Published 2017Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Statistical models and inference for spatial point patterns with intensity-dependent marks
Published 2009Subjects: Get full text
Doctoral dissertation