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- puolimetallit 4
- Aporrectodea tuberculata 2
- Lumbricidae 2
- X-ray crystallography 2
- antimoni 2
- bioakkumulaatio 2
- computational chemistry 2
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- kemialliset sidokset 2
- laskennallinen kemia 2
- main group chemistry 2
- metalloid clusters 2
- metallylenes 2
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- nanohiukkaset 2
- peltolierot 2
- pienmolekyylit 2
- röntgenkristallografia 2
- small molecule activation 2
- synthesis 2
- uutto 2
- 4015 1
- Environmental science and technology 1
- Ympäristötiede ja -teknologia 1
- beräkningskemi 1
- halvmetaller 1
- kemisk syntes 1
- kemiska bindningar 1
- molekyler 1
- nanopartiklar 1
Antimonin biosaatavuus peltolieroille (Aporrectodea tuberculata) ja sitoutuminen lehtimetsämaassa
Published 2008Subjects: “…puolimetallit…”
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Master's thesis -
Antimonin biosaatavuus peltolieroille (Aporrectodea tuberculata) ja sitoutuminen lehtimetsämaassa
Published 2008Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of heavier group 13 and 14 metallylenes and metalloid clusters : small molecule activation and more
Published 2015Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of heavier group 13 and 14 metallylenes and metalloid clusters : small molecule activation and more
Published 2015Subjects: Yhteenveto-osa
Doctoral dissertation