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Kuluttajan yksityisyyshuolien vaikutus mobiilisovellusten käytön muutoksiin
Published 2022“…For example, a more detailed study of what factors affect perceived privacy concerns and how different levels of privacy concerns affect the use of mobile applications. …”
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Willingness to share information via mobile application : the risk-benefit perspective
Published 2022“…Increased time spent online, and the increased use of mobile devices and applications have raised consumer privacy concerns. With advanced technology enables efficient data collection through mobile devices, thus consumers are demanding more control for information sharing. …”
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How location-based social network applications are being used
Published 2015“…This study also aimed at answering a number of sub-questions on user behavior such as activity patterns, motivations for sharing location, privacy concerns, and current and future trends in the field. …”
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Metadata ja digitaalinen forensiikka
Published 2020“…This thesis reviews the framework of digital forensics examining the role of metadata in it and also the privacy concerns that arise from using metadata as well large-scale Big Data surveillance programs. …”
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Kontaktien jäljityssovelluksiin liittyvät yksityisyyshuolet
Published 2023“…Contact tracing applications popularized during the COVID-19 pandemic have naturally led to privacy concerns among users. This study reviews problems and concerns related to privacy in these applications. …”
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Users' perceptions of privacy in cookie consent requests with deceptive design
Published 2024“…The findings revealed that deceptive design diminishes users’ perceived control over their privacy and their trust in the cookie data collector, while its influence on users’ privacy concerns and perceived privacy risks is more subtle and varied. …”
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State-of-the-art object detection model for detecting CCTV and video surveillance cameras from images and videos
Published 2020“…As the current GDPR law in the EU prohibits unnecessary use of CCTV cameras in public places, and privacy concerns of smart CCTV cameras have been raised, CCTV cameras cannot be regarded as just easy tools to help secure your assets. …”
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User perceptions on the privacy of health information
Published 2016“…Even though the individuals are willing to share their information for different purposes, they had privacy concerns and worried how their information is used. …”
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Syyt yksityisyydestä luopumiseen sosiaalisessa mediassa : hyödyt ja haitat
Published 2018“…Drawbacks and risks consists of addictions, identitey thefts and privacy concerns from automized data collection by social media service providers. …”
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Role of website quality on online trust in e-commerce context
Published 2021“…With the GDPR regulations in the EU, customers expect that online merchants ensure security and privacy concerns. Also, the result showed that positive online trust leads to an increase in behavioural and eWOM intentions. …”
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Yksityisyysparadoksi : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus
Published 2021“…The discrepancy between individuals’ privacy concerns or attitudes and privacy behavior is known as the privacy paradox. …”
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Teknologian vaikutus yksityisyyteen Kiinassa
Published 2024“…The rapid development of technology poses significant privacy concerns, particularly regarding information collection and data privacy. …”
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Habitual smartphone use explaining excessive and problematic use of smartphones and negative consequences
Published 2021“…Further, excessive use of smartphones was found to be a strong determinant of cognitive-emotional preoccupation with using smartphones which in turn significantly contributed to the formation of strain and privacy concerns as negative consequences. Also, some evidence was found that cognitive-behavioral control can dampen the effects of cognitive-emotional preoccupation on the negative consequences. …”
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Verkkoon kytkettyjen IoT-laitteiden tietoturvaongelmat
Published 2021“…Network connected devices have brought advanced, intelligent, and useful services to ordinary users. However, privacy concerns and vulnerabilities in IoT devices have stand out in previous studies. …”
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