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- poliittinen historia 3
- politisk historia 3
- historia 2
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- politik 2
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- retorik 2
- Castro, Fidel 1
- Castro-communism 1
- Cuban cultural history 1
- Cuban literature 1
- Greene, Graham 1
- Gutiérrez, Pedro Juan 1
- Kekkonen, Urho 1
- La Habana 1
- Reinaldo, Arenas 1
- Rhetoric 1
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- antidetective 1
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- conceptual history 1
- demokrati 1
- demokratia 1
- detektivlitteratur 1
- dirty realism 1
- edustuksellinen demokratia 1
- folkrepresentationer 1
"Kekkosen konstit" : Urho Kekkosen historia- ja politiikkakäsitykset teoriasta käytäntöön 1933-1981
Published 2007Subjects: Verkkoaineisto/Nätresursen/Online resource
Doctoral dissertation -
Representation, nation and time : the political rhetoric of the 1866 parliamentary reform in Sweden
Published 2000Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Castron kastraatio : Pedro Juan Gutiérrezin proosa castrokommunistisen utopian romuttajana
Published 2016Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation