- 20425 1
- 211 1
- Corporate Environmental Management 1
- Kansainvälinen kehitystyö (maisteriohjelma) 1
- Master's Degree Programme in Development and International Cooperation 1
- PCCPs 1
- Policy-making 1
- Power structure 1
- School autonomy/university autonomy 1
- Yritysten ympäristöjohtaminen 1
- authoritarianism 1
- autonomia 1
- autonomy (societal properties) 1
- barriers 1
- change 1
- co-constructive perception 1
- complexities 1
- democratization 1
- developing countries 1
- developing country policy 1
- drivers 1
- education reform 1
- environmental policy 1
- global South 1
- kehityspolitiikka 1
- korkeakoululaitos 1
- microbead 1
- mutual learning 1
- muutos 1
- participatory voice 1
University autonomy in Vietnam : fragments beneath the consensus
Julkaistu 2019Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu