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- liikunta 6
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- opetus 4
- Physical education and training 3
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- liikuntakasvatus 3
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- opettajankoulutus 3
- urheilu 3
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- Exercise 2
- Liikuntapedagogiikka 2
- Physical Education Teacher Education 2
- Physical Education and Training 2
- endurance training 2
- fyysinen kunto 2
- kestävyysharjoittelu 2
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- motivation 2
- opetusmenetelmät 2
- opiskelumotivaatio 2
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- peruskoulun yläaste 2
- physical education and training 2
- physical education teacher training 2
- strength training 2
- students 2
Increasing physical education students' creative thinking
Published 1976Subjects: “…Physical education and training Research…”
Doctoral dissertation -
A multidisciplinary analysis of physical activity, sport participation and dropping out among young Finns : a 12-year follow-up study
Published 1997Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Lesson Study -opetusmalli opettajaopiskelijan ammatillisen kasvun kehittämisessä : toimintatutkimus yläkoulun liikuntatunnilla
Published 2021Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Effects of added endurance or strength training on cardiovascular and neuromuscular performance of conscripts during the 8-week basic training period
Published 2010Subjects: “…Physical education and training…”
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Health promoting sports club : youth sports clubs' health promotion profiles, guidance and associated coaching practice, in Finland
Published 2010Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Adaptations in body composition, metabolic health and physical fitness during strength or endurance training or their combination in healthy middle-aged and older adults
Published 2011Subjects: Yhteenveto-osa
Doctoral dissertation