Suggested Topics within your search.
- kipu 36
- pain 14
- selkä 13
- fysioterapia 12
- kuntoutus 11
- selkäsairaudet 10
- alaselkäkipu 9
- low back pain 9
- krooninen kipu 8
- neck pain 8
- rehabilitation 8
- chronic pain 7
- ikääntyminen 7
- niska 7
- tuki- ja liikuntaelinten taudit 7
- kivunhoito 6
- paine 6
- toimintakyky 6
- fyysinen aktiivisuus 5
- tuki- ja liikuntaelimet 5
- McKenzie method 4
- McKenzien menetelmä 4
- adults 4
- aging 4
- aikuiset 4
- diagnoosi 4
- elämänlaatu 4
- fyysinen kunto 4
- harjoittelu 4
- hoitomenetelmät 4
Thumb carpometacarpal joint osteoarthritis : current treatment practice and a cross-over pilot study
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Back pain in youth : occurrence and risk factors
Published 2020Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
The McKenzie method in assessing, classifying and treating non-specific low back pain in adults with special reference to the centralization phenomenon
Published 2010Subjects: Get full text
Doctoral dissertation -
Orthopedic manual therapy on low back pain with working adults : clinical tests, subclassification and clinical trial of low back pain
Published 2011Subjects: Get full text
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
The McKenzie method in assessing, classifying and treating non-specific low back pain in adults with special reference to the centralization phenomenon
Published 2010Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Back pain in youth : occurrence and risk factors
Published 2020Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Mobility recovery after hip fracture and effects of a multi-component home-based rehabilitation program
Published 2014Subjects: Yhteenveto-osa
Doctoral dissertation -
The usage intention of online payment methods and the effects of willingness to pay, pain of paying and perceived ownership
Published 2018Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -