- age 2
- ikä 2
- industrial and organizational psychology 2
- interviews 2
- job characteristics 2
- longitudinal studies 2
- organisaatioilmasto 2
- organisaatiokulttuuri 2
- organisaatiopsykologia 2
- organizational climate 2
- organizational commitment 2
- sitoutuminen (toiminta) 2
- työilmapiiri 2
- työpsykologia 2
- 202 1
- Affective commitment 1
- Organizational Commitment 1
- Organizational Culture 1
- Psychology 1
- Psykologia 1
- affective-identity motivation to lead 1
- johtaminen 1
- leader-supportive organizational climate 1
- leadership (activity) 1
- mixed method 1
- motivaatio 1
- motivation (mental objects) 1
- person-centered research 1
- readiness to lead 1
- resources 1
Do organizational and job-related factors relate to organizational commitment? : a mixed method study of the associations
Julkaistu 2011Aiheet:Väitöskirja -
Profiling affective-identity motivation to lead during two years : associations with readiness to lead
Julkaistu 2021Aiheet: “…leader-supportive organizational climate…”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu