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- opetuskeskustelu 23
- vuorovaikutus 12
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- Luokanopettajakoulutus 6
- Teacher Education 6
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- opettaja-oppilassuhde 6
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- dialogisuus 5
- keskustelunanalyysi 5
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- academic performance 2
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- dialogic teaching 2
- diskurssianalyysi 2
- draamapedagogiikka 2
- educational dialogue 2
- elekieli 2
- englannin kieli 2
- esiopetus 2
Teacher turn-allocation and repair practices in classroom interaction : a multisemiotic perspective
Published 2010Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Educational dialogue in the classroom : scaffolding, knowledge building and associations with academic performance
Published 2018Subjects: “…opetuskeskustelu…”
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Educational dialogue in the classroom : scaffolding, knowledge building and associations with academic performance
Published 2018Subjects: “…opetuskeskustelu…”
JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation