- 301 3
- Englannin kieli 3
- English 3
- online teaching 3
- verkko-opetus 3
- English language 2
- distance learning 2
- distance studies 2
- englannin kieli 2
- etäopiskelu 2
- kielen oppiminen 2
- language learning 2
- opetus 2
- teaching and instruction 2
- COVID-19 1
- EFL 1
- distance teaching 1
- educational methods 1
- etäopetus 1
- etäoppiminen 1
- higher education (teaching) 1
- information and communications technology 1
- korkeakouluopetus 1
- learning performance 1
- minäpystyvyys 1
- opettajankoulutus 1
- opetusmenetelmät 1
- opiskelumotivaatio 1
- self-efficacy 1
- self-efficacy beliefs 1
Pre-service teachers' perceptions of online teaching and their effects on self-efficacy beliefs
Julkaistu 2022Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -