- isotoopit 12
- ydinfysiikka 12
- neutron-deficient nuclei 11
- nuclear structure 10
- spektroskopia 9
- recoil-decay tagging 8
- decay spectroscopy 6
- nuclear spectroscopy 6
- astatiini 4
- lyijy 4
- neutron-rich nuclei 4
- neutronit 4
- exotic nuclei 3
- in-beam spectroscopy 3
- Coulomb energy differences 2
- Recoil Decay Tagging 2
- Total Data Readout 2
- alpha decay 2
- beta-decay 2
- cadmium 2
- cranked shell model 2
- data analysis methods 2
- electron-capture delayed fission 2
- emissio (fysiikka) 2
- frankium 2
- gamma-ray spectroscopy 2
- half-life 2
- isometric states 2
- isospin-symmetry breaking 2
- isotoper 2
Discovery of the new isotopes 240Es and 236Bk and in-beam spectroscopic studies of 244Cf
Julkaistu 2017Aiheet: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Väitöskirja -
Nuclear structure at the neutron emission threshold and below explored via betadecays of 82,83Ga and 86As
Julkaistu 2023Aiheet: Linkki verkkoaineistoon