Suggested Topics within your search.
- järvet 3
- nitrogen fixation 3
- typpi 3
- 4012 2
- Akvaattiset tieteet 2
- Aquatic sciences 2
- acetylene reduction 2
- diazotrophs 2
- lake 2
- nitrogenase 2
- stabiili-isotooppimenetelmä 2
- stable isotope 2
- biological nitrogen fixation 1
- biologinen typensidonta 1
- delta [sup 15]N menetelmä 1
- fototrofinen tuotanto 1
- heterotrofinen tuotanto 1
- ice cover 1
- jääpeite 1
- lakes 1
- luonnonmukainen viljely 1
- natural [sup 15]N abundance method 1
- nitrogen 1
- nutrient cycle 1
- organic farming 1
- puna-apila 1
- ravinnekierto 1
- red clover 1
- typen kierto 1
- typensidonta 1
The spatial and temporal variation of nitrogen fixation in aquatic environments
Published 2007Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
The spatial and temporal variation of nitrogen fixation in aquatic environments
Published 2007Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Puna-apilan (Trifolium pratense L.) biologiseen typensidontaan vaikuttavat tekijät luonnonmukaisesti ja tavanomaisesti viljellyissä heinänurmissa
Published 2000Subjects:Master's thesis -
Seasonal changes in ammonium regeneration and potential uptake rates in boreal lake Jyväsjärvi
Published 2023Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis