Suggested Topics within your search.
- narrative analysis 24
- narratiivinen tutkimus 16
- thematic analysis 5
- haastattelututkimus 4
- masennus 4
- narratiivisuus 4
- narrativity 4
- pariterapia 4
- 301 3
- Englannin kieli 3
- English 3
- couple therapy 3
- discourse analysis 3
- englannin kieli 3
- identiteetti 3
- multimodality 3
- naiset 3
- puolisot 3
- sukupuoliroolit 3
- 102 2
- ADHD 2
- Apple App Store 2
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 2
- CLIL education 2
- Couple Therapy 2
- Depression 2
- Narration 2
- actantial model 2
- ammatti-identiteetti 2
- analysis of narratives 2
Co-construction and collaboration in couple therapy for depression
Published 2010Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Voices behind and beyond the label : the master narrative of ADHD (de)constructed by diagnosed children and their parents
Published 2016Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Stakeholder expectations : conceptual foundations and empirical analysis
Published 2015Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Voices behind and beyond the label : the master narrative of ADHD (de)constructed by diagnosed children and their parents
Published 2016Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Responsible fatherhood : a narrative approach
Published 2015Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
The story of Fazer : a multimodal analysis of storytelling on the websites of a company
Published 2022Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
The game of developing a game : hobbyist game developers as playful entrepreneurs in the Apple App Store
Published 2015Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation