Suggested Topics within your search.
- heavy metal 19
- metallit 17
- musiikki 10
- diskurssianalyysi 7
- Englannin kieli 6
- English 6
- erotusmenetelmät 6
- 3051 5
- Dendrobaena octaedra 5
- Musicology 5
- Musiikkitiede 5
- discourse analysis 5
- jalometallit 5
- kemiallinen synteesi 5
- klusterit 5
- kompleksiyhdisteet 5
- ligandit 5
- magnetic properties 5
- metal music 5
- sanoitukset 5
- talteenotto 5
- density functional theory 4
- dielectrophoresis 4
- epäorgaaninen kemia 4
- genetic diversity 4
- katalyysi 4
- lierot 4
- metal contamination 4
- metallimusiikki 4
- metals 4
Syntheses, empirical and theoretical characterization, and metal cation complexation of bile acid-based monomers and open/closed dimers
Published 2000Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Ultra-flat giant grain Cu film atop α-Al2O3 (0001) for apCVD synthesis of graphene
Published 2018Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Acetylacetonates and their nitrogen derivatives as antenna ligands for lanthanoid ions
Published 2023Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Metal-metal contacts in late transition metal polymers
Published 2020Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Aquatic effects and risk assessment of multi-metal leachates from metal mining and acid sulphate soils
Published 2018Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Aquatic effects and risk assessment of multi-metal leachates from metal mining and acid sulphate soils
Published 2018Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Metallimusiikki paperilla : diskurssianalyysi Juho Juntusen artikkelista "Raskas metalli"
Published 2006Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
Chromium in soil and food plants adjacent to a stainless steel works : the additional dietary intake for humans
Published 2005Subjects:Master's thesis -
Kämmensyrjävaimennuksen tuottamat musiikilliset prosessit extreme metal -musiikin muodon artikuloijina
Published 2013Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Master's thesis -
Automatic subgenre classification of heavy metal music
Published 2011Subjects: “…heavy metal…”
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Master's thesis -
Composing a piece : the birthing of "Self-Actualize"
Published 2013Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Master's thesis -
Raskaan rockin diskurssit : hevi ja metalli suomalaisissa mediateksteissä
Published 2009Subjects: Get full text
Licentiate thesis -
Black metal, transgressio ja ekstremismi : ideologiaa vai provosointia?
Published 2022Subjects: Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis -
Alkali metal ion effects to hydrogen evolution on gold surface
Published 2023Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
My eden, my hell: Biblical allusions in the lyrics of Sonata Arctica
Published 2010Subjects: Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis -
Computational modelling of carbon dioxide reduction to methanol on heterogeneous zirconia-supported copper catalysts
Published 2024Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Chemically functional 3D printing : selective laser sintering of customizable metal scavengers
Published 2019Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
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Doctoral dissertation -
Chemically functional 3D printing : selective laser sintering of customizable metal scavengers
Published 2019Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Uptake and effects of chromium and multiple metal contaminants in terrestrial biota in the vicinity of stainless steel works
Published 2005Subjects:Master's thesis -
National imagery in Finnish folk metal : lyrics, Facebook and beyond
Published 2014Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Master's thesis