Suggested Topics within your search.
- kristallisaatio 8
- crystallization 3
- X-ray crystallography 2
- amorphous 2
- atomic structure 2
- atomirakenne 2
- chalcogenide 2
- computer memory materials 2
- computer simulations 2
- crystalline 2
- density functional theory 2
- faasimuutosmateriaali 2
- kalkogenidi 2
- kiteet 2
- molecular dynamics 2
- molekyylidynamiikka 2
- muistit (tietotekniikka) 2
- phase-change materials 2
- puolijohteet 2
- rakenne (ominaisuudet) 2
- self-assembly 2
- semiconductor 2
- simulointi 2
- tiheysfunktionaaliteoria 2
- vitrification 2
- N-donor ligands 1
- N-donoriligandit 1
- PDB ID 2JF1 1
- alkoholit 1
- alkoholit (yhdisteet) 1
Polymorphism of sugar alcohols and effect of grinding on thermal behavior of binary sugar alcohol mixtures
Published 2002Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Filamiinin sitoutuminen integriinin β2-alayksikköön ja migfiliniin
Published 2007Subjects: “…kristallisaatio…”
Master's thesis -
Purification and crystallization of the two major coat proteins of bacteriophage P23-77 for x-ray crystallography
Published 2009Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
Bile acid amides as components of microcrystalline organogels
Published 2015Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Design and construction of metal-organic polyhedra
Published 2022Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Density functional/molecular dynamics simulations of phase-change materials
Published 2013Subjects: JYX julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Density functional/molecular dynamics simulations of phase-change materials
Published 2013Subjects: Yhteenveto-osa
Doctoral dissertation