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Julkisen liikuntahallinnon strategiat terveyden edistämisen näkökulmasta
Published 2001Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
Guarantee of Dunkirk and the treaties to be guaranteed : the debate over the ratification of the Franco-Dutch alliance, 1662-1663
Published 2009Subjects:Master's thesis -
Julkisen liikuntahallinnon strategiat terveyden edistämisen näkökulmasta
Published 2001Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Friendship in international relations : a history of the concept
Published 2009Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Tiedon omistaminen on valtaa : globalisoituvan patenttijärjestelmän poliittinen moraalitalous ja globaali kapitalismi
Published 2008Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
“In the light of different national circumstances” : modality and ideational metafunction in the Paris Agreement
Published 2022Subjects: Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis