Suggested Topics within your search.
- kaksoset 42
- kaksostutkimus 21
- fyysinen aktiivisuus 17
- twins 15
- perinnöllisyys 10
- ikääntyneet 9
- physical activity 9
- kehonkoostumus 8
- liikunta 8
- liikuntaharrastus 8
- naiset 8
- identtiset kaksoset 7
- aikuiset 6
- seurantatutkimus 6
- 5042 5
- fyysinen kunto 5
- sisarukset 5
- vapaa-aika 5
- Liikuntalääketiede 4
- Sport Medicine 4
- body composition 4
- keskivartalolihavuus 4
- kuolleisuus 4
- kävely 4
- lapsiperheet 4
- lihakset 4
- lihaskunto 4
- monikkoperheet 4
- mortality 4
- nuoret aikuiset 4
Genetic and environmental effects on resting electrocardiography and the association between electrocardiography and physical activity, walking endurance and mortality in older peo...
Published 2010Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Candidate gene study on nicotine dependence in Finnish sibpairs
Published 2008Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Somatosensory change detection in young healthy twin males
Published 2013Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Long-term leisure-time physical activity vs. inactivity, physical fitness, body composition and metabolic health characteristics : a co-twin control study
Published 2013Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Twin-singleton differences among ESL students : a study of affective and cognitive factors at the age of 12
Published 2001Subjects: Get full text
Doctoral dissertation -
Leisure-time physical activity, weight gain and health : a prospective follow-up in twins
Published 2011Subjects: Get full text
Doctoral dissertation -
Twin-singleton differences among ESL students : a study of affective and cognitive factors at the age of 12
Published 2001Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Genetic effects on mobility, obesity and their association in older female twins
Published 2009Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Leisure-time physical activity, weight gain and health : a prospective follow-up in twins
Published 2011Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation