Suggested Topics within your search.
- intervention 33
- interventio 20
- lapset (ikäryhmät) 17
- oppimisvaikeudet 14
- hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapia 13
- lukihäiriöt 13
- dysleksia 12
- henkinen hyvinvointi 12
- 202 11
- Psychology 11
- Psykologia 11
- acceptance and commitment therapy 11
- liikunta 11
- lukeminen 10
- mielenterveyshäiriöt 9
- ryhmäterapia 9
- fonologinen tietoisuus 8
- fyysinen aktiivisuus 8
- nuoret 8
- pitkittäistutkimus 8
- tietoinen läsnäolo 8
- kuntoutus 7
- lukutaito 7
- masennus 7
- obesity 7
- sosiaalinen tuki 7
- varhainen puuttuminen 7
- arviointi 6
- brief intervention 6
- dyslexia 6
Act, accept and be mindful : evaluation of three technology- and internet-delivered psychological interventions for mood and well-being
Published 2015Subjects: “…technology- and internet-delivered psychological interventions…”
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Doctoral dissertation -
The prevention of bullying and school harassment
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Act, accept and be mindful : evaluation of three technology- and internet-delivered psychological interventions for mood and well-being
Published 2015Subjects: “…technology- and internet-delivered psychological interventions…”
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Doctoral dissertation -
Political culture in the Indonesian Parliament : analyzing parliamentary debates on the regional parliaments 1999-2009
Published 2015Subjects: “…technology- and internet-delivered psychological interventions…”
JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
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Doctoral dissertation -