- inclination 3
- 5012 2
- Biomechanics 2
- Biomekaniikka 2
- kävely 2
- walking (motion) 2
- 4021 1
- CP-oireyhtymä 1
- Defoe, Daniel 1
- Fysiikka 1
- PV 1
- Physics 1
- Robinson Crusoe 1
- absolute freedom 1
- ambivalence 1
- angle 1
- approach 1
- array 1
- aurinkokeräimet 1
- aurinkopaneelit 1
- avoidance 1
- best 1
- biomechanics 1
- biomekaniikka 1
- cerebral palsy 1
- collectors 1
- direction 1
- electricity 1
- energiantuotanto 1
- energy 1
Stride-to-stride lower limb sagittal-plane joint angle variability of walking across inclinations
Julkaistu 2024Aiheet: “…inclination…”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Freedom and order: ambivalence in Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719)
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Effects of non-tracking solar collector orientation on energy production : photovoltaic systems
Julkaistu 2012Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Improving gait in cerebral palsy : effects of a combined strength, flexibility and gait training Intervention on lower limb gait kinematics and kinetics in children and young adult...
Julkaistu 2021Aiheet: “…inclined treadmill walking…”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu