- exercise model 2
- skeletal muscle 2
- 4013 1
- 5011 1
- ACOT9 1
- BSCFAs 1
- Cell and molecular biology 1
- Exercise Physiology 1
- Liikuntafysiologia 1
- RNA 1
- Solu- ja molekyylibiologia 1
- aineenvaihdunta 1
- amino acids 1
- aminohapot 1
- cell biology 1
- cell culture 1
- cell model 1
- cell models 1
- endothelial cells 1
- fatty acids 1
- fysiologia 1
- geeniekspressio 1
- geenit 1
- gene expression 1
- genes 1
- glucose 1
- glukoosi 1
- lihakset 1
- metabolism 1
- metabolomics 1
Effects of exercise mimicking mechanical stimulation on gene expression in human myotubes and endothelial cells
Julkaistu 2023Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -