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- etnorelativismi 4
- etnosentrismi 4
- DMIS 2
- akkulturaatio 2
- cultural identity 2
- cultural pluralism 2
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- intercultural communication 2
- intercultural competence 2
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- kansainvälinen kompetenssi 2
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- kulttuuri-identiteetti 2
- kulttuurienvälinen tutkimus 2
- kulttuurienvälisyys 2
- kulttuuriosaaminen 2
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- multicultural social services and healthcare 2
- osaaminen 2
- sopeutuminen 2
- sosiaalitoimi 2
- terveydenhuoltohenkilöstö 2
- työpaikat 2
- viestintä 2
- 103 1
"Learning the culture is a kind of working tool" : the acculturation and adaptation of Finnish development co-operation workers and missionaries in East Africa
Published 2001Subjects: “…etnorelativismi…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Constructing intercultural competence in Italian social service and healthcare organizations : pedagogical design, effectiveness research, and alternative visions for promoting eth...
Published 2013Subjects:Doctoral dissertation