- 601 2
- Information Systems Science 2
- Tietojärjestelmätiede 2
- Peer-to-Peer trading 1
- actor engagement 1
- blockchains 1
- demand-side response (DSR) 1
- energia-ala 1
- energiamarkkinat 1
- energiateollisuus 1
- energy community 1
- energy industry 1
- energy market 1
- energy markets 1
- energy sector 1
- flexibility in consumption 1
- lohkoketjut 1
- renewable energy sources 1
- service dominant logic (S-D logic) 1
- service ecosystem 1
- service logic 1
- smart contracts 1
- uusiutuvat energialähteet 1
- value co- destruction 1
- value co-creation 1
Design principles for blockchain and smart contract systems in the energy sector : the case of Finland
Julkaistu 2021Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu