- 602 1
- Finland 1
- Japan 1
- Mathematical Information Technology 1
- Tietotekniikka 1
- alakoulu 1
- educational use 1
- information and communications technology 1
- information technology 1
- lower comprehensive school 1
- opettajankoulutus 1
- opettajat 1
- opetus 1
- opetuskäyttö 1
- oppilaat 1
- school children 1
- teacher training 1
- teachers 1
- teaching and instruction 1
- tieto- ja viestintätekniikka 1
- tietotekniikka 1
The perception and use of ICT in education by primary school teachers in Finland and Japan
Julkaistu 2020Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu