- educational counselling 3
- educational guidance 3
- opinto-ohjaus 3
- opintoneuvonta 3
- 102 2
- Master's Degree Programme in Education 2
- general upper secondary school 2
- lukio 2
- 1031 1
- 5042 1
- Liikuntalääketiede 1
- Master’s Degree Programme in Guidance and Counselling 1
- Ohjausalan maisteriohjelma 1
- Sport Medicine 1
- bariatric surgeries 1
- body composition 1
- counselling 1
- functional capacity 1
- fyysinen toimintakyky 1
- guidance counsellor 1
- guidance counsellor-student interaction 1
- guidance service entity 1
- hand grip strength 1
- individualized exercise therapy 1
- institutions of higher education 1
- interaction 1
- kehonkoostumus 1
- korkeakoulut 1
- lihavuus 1
- lihavuusleikkaukset 1
Guidance counsellor-student interaction
Julkaistu 2024Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
The perspectives of university guidance staff about the development of guidance services
Julkaistu 2021Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -