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- Nigeria 3
- e-waste 3
- e-waste management 3
- elektroniikka 3
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- e-scrappers 2
- globaali hallinta 2
- informal recycling 2
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- sähkö- ja elektroniikkaromu 2
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- 20425 1
- 209 1
- Corporate Environmental Management 1
- Ikeja computer village 1
- Lagos state 1
- SMEs 1
- Social Policy 1
- Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 1
- Yritysten ympäristöjohtaminen 1
- avfall 1
- avfallshantering 1
- circular economy 1
- disposal methods 1
- e-waste recycling 1
E-waste management : a case study of Lagos state, Nigeria
Published 2012Subjects: “…e-waste…”
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Moving forward sustainably : material and social conditions of electronic waste management in Nigeria
Published 2018Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Moving forward sustainably : material and social conditions of electronic waste management in Nigeria
Published 2018Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
The socio-economic impacts of refurbished computers on small and medium enterpirses (SME) in Mombasa Kenya, and the role of the formal sector in promoting circular economy
Published 2022Subjects: “…e-waste management…”
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