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- 202 2
- 4022 2
- Electronics 2
- Elektroniikka 2
- Psychology 2
- Psykologia 2
- decay spectroscopy 2
- delay 2
- delay classical conditioning 2
- electron-capture delayed fission 2
- event-related potentials 2
- hippocampus 2
- in-beam spectroscopy 2
- isotoopit 2
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- neutron-deficient nuclei 2
- nuclear structure 2
- principal component analysis 2
- rabbit nictitating membrane response 2
- recoil-decay tagging 2
- spektroskopia 2
- viivästys 2
- ydinfysiikka 2
- Contralateral Delay Activity (CDA) 1
- EEG 1
- English stops 1
- Lee-Kim cell 1
- Maneatis cell 1
- PLL 1
- TDC 1
Pricing based packet scheduling and quality of service in multiple service class networks
Published 2005Subjects:Licentiate thesis -
Precise delay generation using differential-input delay cells used in delay-locked-loop
Published 2023Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Sosiaaliseen vetäytymiseen vaikuttaminen : kolmen lapsen kokeellinen tapaustutkimus
Published 1992Subjects: “…children with developmental delay…”
Master's thesis -
Hippocampal event-related potentials to tone-CS during classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response
Published 2004Subjects: “…delay classical conditioning…”
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Master's thesis -
Hippocampal event-related potentials to tone-CS during classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response
Published 2004Subjects: “…delay classical conditioning…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Syvästi ja vaikeasti kehitysvammaisen oppilaan kommunikaatio : ryhmä- ja yksilötutkimus kommunikaation kokeiluopetussuunnitelmaan perustuvasta opetuksesta
Published 1990Subjects:Master's thesis -
Menetelmä sellaisten 5-7 -vuotiaiden päiväkotilasten seulomiseksi, joilla on vaikeuksia havaitsemisessa tai käsitteellisessä ajattelussa tai kielellistä viivästymää
Published 1985Subjects:Master's thesis -
Perception and production of English stops by native and Finnish speakers in auditory recognition masking and delayed auditory feedback paradigms
Published 1992Subjects:Master's thesis -
Delay line design for high-resolution time-to-digital converters
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Filtering of irrelevant emotional faces during a visual working memory task : an ERP study in dysphoric and control participants
Published 2018Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Discovery of the new isotopes 240Es and 236Bk and in-beam spectroscopic studies of 244Cf
Published 2017Subjects: JYX julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Discovery of the new isotopes 240Es and 236Bk and in-beam spectroscopic studies of 244Cf
Published 2017Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation