Suggested Topics within your search.
- CNV 3
- CPT 3
- continuous performance task 3
- P300 2
- contingent negative variation 2
- häiriöt 2
- motivaatio 2
- suorituspyrkimys 2
- säätely 2
- tarkkaavaisuus 2
- tila 2
- 202 1
- ADHD 1
- Psychology 1
- Psykologia 1
- aktivaatiotaso 1
- attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder 1
- contingent negative variant 1
- virhesuoriutuminen 1
CNV as a measure of sustained attention and motor preparation in ADHD : a critical analysis
Published 2004Subjects:Master's thesis -
Event related brain potential (ERP) correlates of activation and effort in state regulation among children with attentional problems
Published 2002Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
Event related brain potential (ERP) correlates of activation and effort in state regulation among children with attentional problems
Published 2002Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis