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- taidemusiikki 9
- musiikkikasvatus 6
- classical conditioning 5
- 202 4
- Psychology 4
- Psykologia 4
- eyeblink classical conditioning 4
- hippocampus 4
- opetus 4
- high energy physics 3
- lattice gauge theory 3
- learning 3
- markkinointi 3
- musiikki 3
- musikaalisuus 3
- nuclear theory 3
- theta 3
- yleisö 3
- 301 2
- 3051 2
- EEG 2
- Englannin kieli 2
- English 2
- Kodály philosophy 2
- Kodály-menetelmä 2
- Musicology 2
- Musiikkitiede 2
- Viennese classical songs 2
- artist education 2
- associative learning 2
Pre-existing theta-band EEG activity predicts learning rate in subsequent human trace eyeblink conditioning
Published 2008Subjects:Master's thesis -
Effect of emotional state on eyeblink classical conditioning in humans
Published 2003Subjects: “…eyeblink classical conditioning…”
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Master's thesis -
Effect of emotional state on eyeblink classical conditioning in humans
Published 2003Subjects: “…eyeblink classical conditioning…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Rabbit cerebellar event-related potentials during classical nictitating membrane conditioning
Published 2004Subjects: “…eyeblink classical conditioning…”
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Master's thesis -
Quasiparticle properties of nonequilibrium gluon plasma
Published 2018Subjects: JYX julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Quasiparticle properties of nonequilibrium gluon plasma
Published 2018Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Hippocampal event-related potentials to tone-CS during classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response
Published 2004Subjects: “…delay classical conditioning…”
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Master's thesis -
Rabbit cerebellar event-related potentials during classical nictitating membrane conditioning
Published 2004Subjects: “…eyeblink classical conditioning…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Body, epistemology, interpretation : Friedrich Nietzsche and Karl Kerényi
Published 2012Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Rapid changes in bodily and neural states affect learning
Published 2018Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Hippocampal event-related potentials to tone-CS during classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response
Published 2004Subjects: “…delay classical conditioning…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Rapid changes in bodily and neural states affect learning
Published 2018Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
The effect of scopolamine on declarative learning and frontal midline theta activity
Published 2018Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
A bécsi klasszikus dalirodalom a zeneiskolai szolfézsoktatásban = The role of Viennese classical songs in teaching solfeggio at music schools
Published 2011Subjects: Get full text
Doctoral dissertation -
A bécsi klasszikus dalirodalom a zeneiskolai szolfézsoktatásban = The role of Viennese classical songs in teaching solfeggio at music schools
Published 2011Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Evoked neural and behavioral responses in an oddball situation in the cat
Published 1994Subjects:Licentiate thesis -
Learning English through and for singing : learner experiences of the interrelation of music and language
Published 2015Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
From a petrifying monster to a garden gnome entrepreneur : an analysis of Medusa’s portrayal in Clash of the Titans (1981) and The Lightning Thief (2005)
Published 2022Subjects: Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis