- kemialliset sidokset 3
- Chemical bonds 2
- Chemical structure 2
- NMR-spektroskopia 2
- kemiallinen analyysi 2
- kvanttikemia 2
- rikki 2
- rikkijodikationit 2
- seleeni 2
- seleenijodikationit 2
- 'click' reaction 1
- 4038 1
- Chemistry 1
- CuAAC 1
- Kemia 1
- MIM 1
- XB 1
- XB acceptor 1
- XB donor 1
- XB-acceptor 1
- XB-donor 1
- anion receptor 1
- anion recognition 1
- anion sensing 1
- anion sensor 1
- anionit 1
- anions 1
- anturit 1
- binding unit 1
- chemical bonds 1
Quantum chemical calculations of structures, bonding and spectroscopic properties of some sulfur and selenium iodine cations
Julkaistu 2024Aiheet: “…Chemical bonds…”
JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
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