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- ECHO-virukset 3
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- multivesicular bodies 2
- permeability 2
- polyprotein processing 2
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- uncoating 2
- vimentin 2
- 4013 1
Clustering-triggered endocytic pathway of α2β1 integrin
Published 2012Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Clustering-triggered endocytic pathway of α2β1 integrin
Published 2012Subjects: Yhteenveto-osa:
Doctoral dissertation -
Cellular and viral factors promoting efficient enterovirus uncoating and replication
Published 2019Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Cellular and viral factors promoting efficient enterovirus uncoating and replication
Published 2019Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
The role of calpains in enterovirus infection
Published 2019Subjects: “…calpain…”
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