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Asiakaspalvelun raportoinnin kehittäminen : case: Line Carrier
Published 2017“…Based on the literature review we established a framework under which the interview was based on and the results of the study were analysed. …”
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Liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan pelillistäminen
Published 2018“…Based on the literature a framework for gamification is developed. This frame-work includes the different ways of gamification and the potential benefits gained by these. …”
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Herätteenhallinnan mittaamisen kehittäminen : konstruktiivinen tutkimus IT-palveluorganisaatiossa
Published 2017“…Per some principles, metrics should be always as part of a framework. While evaluating metrics, one must always consider the aspect and context where the metric is being used. …”
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Yläkoulun liikunnanopettajien kokemuksia tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen käytöstä ja opettaja-oppilassuhteesta liikuntatunneilla
Published 2024“…The research is based on the CASEL framework for social and emotional learning, which provides a framework for social and emotional skills. This framework has received significant attention in literature related to the school environment in recent years. …”
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Mapping the customer journey through experiences : a Finnish case company study
Published 2018“…The objective of this research is to investigate and gain an understanding of journey mapping through customer experiences and examine the process behind its creation. Alongside a framework created based on the existing literature of the theme, the research is executed in the context of a Finnish case company and utilizes qualitative methods to untangle customer experiences and ultimately build a coherent journey map based on customers’ own narrations. …”
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Käänteisen oppimisen sopivuus : käsityksiin pohjautuva tarkastelu ammattikorkeakouluopetuksen näkökulmasta
Published 2019“…The upper level model builds a framework for goals that focus on student well-being and working-life readiness. …”
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Info screens as instruments for value co-creation : case: vehicle inspection industry
Published 2016“…The case organisation in this study is a private provider of vehicle inspections, vehicle registrations, and driver’s examinations, among others, in Finland as well as in Northern Europe. As a framework for this thesis the framework for value co-creation in Consumer Information Systems (CIS) was selected to investigate how value is co-created in the case organisation, and how their customers (=26) perceive value co-creation. …”
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Internet of Things -alustayritysten liiketoimintamallit ja niiden luokittelu
Published 2014“…This thesis reveals that the selected business model frameworks can be merged as a framework which can be used to categorize IoT platform companies’ business models. …”
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JavaScript : ennen ja nyt
Published 2015“…The first version used JavaScript libraries, a task runner and a framework created by a third party. The second version did not use such tools. …”
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Opettajan mahdollisuudet vaikuttaa oppilaan haasteelliseen käytökseen alakoulussa : vaihtoehtoja etsimässä
Published 2014“…Encountering students challenging behavior it will become easier if a school has a framework of principles that has been accommodated by teachers. …”
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Drones as information system artifacts supporting environmental sustainability in Finnish forest industry
Published 2020“…By combining these dimensions and objectives, the utilization of drones as information system artifacts and their social, technological and informational characteristics are observed in this study to support environmental sustainability in Finnish forest industry. As a framework, the concept of information system artifact, approach of functional affordances, natural-resource-based view, eco-goals based on triple bottom line and institutional theory are applied. …”
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From void to verdant : converting cutaway peatlands into ecologically diverse photovoltaic farms
Published 2025“…The study findings and the proposed recommendations provide a framework for considering biodiversity in PV projects situated within cutaway sites. …”
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Authorized authentication evaluation framework for constrained environments
Published 2016“…The main artifact of this study is a framework that identifies both the constraints and security objectives for realizing authorized authentication in constrained environments. …”
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Fleet inference : importing vehicle routing problems using machine learning
Published 2014“…To this end, we implement such a framework, titled fleet inference, using machine learning. …”
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Vastuullisuusarvojen tukeminen digitaalisten palvelujen avulla vähittäiskaupassa
Published 2022“…Findings are presented in a framework and divided by value propositions dimensions of the retailer. …”
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Digital rights management : blockchain and digital music content management
Published 2017“…The purpose of this thesis was to understand the influences of the Blockchain technology on digital music content management using digital rights management (DRM) as a framework for this study. The thesis included three research questions: studying what challenges Blockchain technology could solve, compared to previous DRM technologies in digital rights management issues, understanding how Blockchain technology relates to previous technological challenges in DRM and identifying the possible impacts provided by Blockchain technology on music content digital rights management. …”
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Startupin kasvun edellytykset
Published 2024“…The conclusions indicated that the customer development model was suitable as a framework for customer value research, but challenges arose in its application for which the model did not provide solutions. …”
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Design through a communicational lens : matters of concern and agency
Published 2021“…Following the premises of the CCO approach, this thesis took a relational definition on communication to study design process. A framework was developed for defining design practice as a series of communicative events. …”
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Antecedents in the adoption and implementation of a new marketing automation software
Published 2022“…To study the antecedents of MA, a framework by Muphy (2018) was adopted. After the research findings were constructed, the same framework was modified to answer the research questions presented early in the study. …”
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Tiedonhallintamalli, kokonaisarkkitehtuuri ja tiedon turvaaminen osana hyvinvointialueiden arkkitehtuurityötä ja -kuvauksia
Published 2024“…Based on theoretical part, a framework for semi-structured interviews was developed, which was used to interview experts from 13 wellbeing service county. …”
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