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Continuous Delivery adoption challenges for small and medium sized ERP system vendors
Published 2020“…The study is divided into two sections: a literature review of previous research, and an empirical qualitative study, in which five industry professionals representing four organizations were interviewed. As a result, a framework consisting of 12 identified Continuous Delivery adoption challenges classified into five separate, but interconnected challenge themes is presented. …”
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Alustariippumattomien tekniikoiden haasteet mobiilikehityksessä
Published 2021“…The results of this test application and the knowledge gathered in the literature review were then utilized to create a framework that provides a clear picture of the weaknesses and strengths of Flutter and React-Native from the perspective of both the application developer and the end user. …”
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Value co-creation and co-destruction in Untappd
Published 2022“…The frame work for value co-creation in Consumer Information Systems (CIS) is used as a framework during the empirical phase, where semi-structured qualitative inter view, laddering method (n=26) is utilized. …”
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Published 2022“…It also describes the threats to the cy-berspace and builds a framework to describe this. The second part contains three accident theories, which are analyzed using hermeneutic conceptual analysis as a method. …”
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Digitaalisen transformaation strateginen toteuttaminen
Published 2020“…Digital transformation requires strategic planning, and with the help of a framework strategic dimensions will be dealt with. …”
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Tietoturvallisuuden itsearviointimallin kehittäminen turvallisuuskriittisessä organisaatiossa
Published 2023“…Self-assessment should be systematic and continuous, requiring a framework to be in place. The objective of this research was to identify best practices in self-assessment for information security and develop a self-assessment model using design science research methodology for the target organization. …”
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GUI personalization framework driven by personal semantic user profile
Published 2017“…This thesis aims to describe a framework and technologies involved for graphical user interfaces that, based on portable personal semantic user profile, can adapt individually. …”
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Arvojen jakautuminen teemoihin tarkasteltaessa arvojen yhteisluontia IT-avusteisissa palveluissa
Published 2020“…The thesis utilizes a framework for value co-creation in consumer information systems (CIS). …”
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Framework for governmental research institution’s sustainability report
Published 2021“…The target of this thesis is to create a framework for the Finnish Environment Institute’s (SYKE) first sustainability report. …”
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Big datan ja data-analytiikan haasteet markkinoinnissa
Published 2021“…Based on the results, we create a framework for significant challenges of big data and analytics in marketing. …”
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Planning, implementing and evaluating a training programme of intra- and interpersonal knowledge and skills for high performance coaches
Published 2020“…The training programme used social emotional learning as a framework for the training, addressing areas such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making. …”
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Organisaation sisällönhallinnan toteutus Sharepointissa
Published 2020“…The artefact created in the research was the enterprise content management model, which provided a framework to mi-grate the contents from the old system to SharePoint with content structures. …”
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Ketterät sopimustyypit ja hinnoittelumallit julkisissa tietojärjestelmähankinnoissa
Published 2017“…The research could also be continued to develop a framework for the use of agile contracts and pricing models in different contexts that could be tested in practice. …”
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Tekoäly osana hankinnasta maksuun -järjestelmää : älykkään sovelluksen loppukäyttäjien käyttäjäkokemus: Case Terveystalo Oyj
Published 2023“…The theoretical part of the study was conducted through a literature review, which examined how user experience is formed when using information systems, and a framework was created for this study. The results of the literature review revealed that this study should be approached through a survey in which the impact of different variables on user experience can be determined using a Likert scale. …”
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Kybertoimintaympäristön hierarkkisen rakennemallin hyödyntäminen älypuhelimissa
Published 2023“…This master's thesis examined a hierarchical structural model of the cyber environment, utilizing the model's various layers as a framework for understanding cyber threats that occur in the context of smartphones. …”
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Outsourcing a sales task, not the entire function : outcome determinants
Published 2019“…This study utilizes a framework, created by Lacity et al. (2016), that concerns outsourcing outcome determinants when outsourcing an entire business function and expands the current knowledge by exploring such outsourcing outcome determinants in prospecting outsourcing. …”
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Arvon yhteisluonnin mikromekanismit tekoälysovellusten ammatillisessa käytössä: käyttökokemuksia ostoreskontran kontekstissa
Published 2024“…The results are reviewed within a framework that categorizes the data according to the micro-level mechanisms of value creation. …”
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Business intelligence system implementation and design framework : a public sector case study
Published 2020“…The main objective of the research was to create a framework, that was designed and developed by following the design science research methodology and by utilizing the DSRM process model. …”
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Ketterän menetelmän räätälöinti
Published 2014“…Fourth, the thesis will describe and analyze six case studies on agile method tailoring based on a framework composed of development context and its special features, tailoring process and strategy and outcome. …”
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Kiinteistöpalvelujen digitalisaatio Suomessa
Published 2019“…First a literature study on digitalization and digital transformation is conducted. As a result, a framework combining model for digital transformation, technology-organization-environment –framework and secondary software business is established to be used in the empirical part of the research. …”
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