- avohoito 3
- aikuiset 2
- body image 2
- dance movement therapy 2
- group therapy 2
- kehontuntemus 2
- liiketerapia (psykoterapia) 2
- masennus 2
- mielenterveyspalvelut 2
- psychiatric outpatient care 2
- psykiatrinen hoito 2
- ruumiinkuva 2
- ryhmäterapia 2
- tanssiterapia 2
- Activities of Daily Living 1
- Aged 1
- Attitude 1
- Attitude of Health Personnel 1
- Communication 1
- Disability Evaluation 1
- Exercise 1
- Exercise Therapy 1
- Geriatric Assessment 1
- Group Processes 1
- Health Services for the Aged 1
- Home Care Services 1
- Interview 1
- Narration 1
- Nurse-Patient Relations 1
- Older people 1
Dance movement therapy in the treatment of depression : change in body image and mood - a clinical practice based study
Julkaistu 2018Aiheet: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
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