Suggested Topics within your search.
- Foreign trade 2
- GDP 2
- MPS 2
- NMP 2
- SNA 2
- bruttokansantuote 2
- digital economy 2
- digitalisaatio 2
- growth rates 2
- growth studies 2
- innovaatiot 2
- kansainvälinen kauppa 2
- kansantalous 2
- kehitysstrategiat 2
- kilpailuetu 2
- productive paradox 2
- soft value innovation 2
- transformative strategy 2
- tuottavuus 2
- tuottavuusparadoksi 2
- two-faced nature of ICT 2
- uncaptured GDP 2
- uusi talous 2
- 3032 1
- Bulgaria 1
- Eastern Europe 1
- Economic History 1
- Hungary 1
- Itä-Eurooppa 1
- Poland 1
Contemporary growth studies and Eastern Europe : from scholar debates towards a comparative analysis on Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania, 1970-1995
Published 2000Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
Transformative direction of innovation and measurement of uncaptured GDP in the digital economy
Published 2017Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Transformative direction of innovation and measurement of uncaptured GDP in the digital economy
Published 2017Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation